Choose the major cytoplasmic inclusions in a neuron. a. glycogen granules b.lipid droplets

Choose the major cytoplasmic inclusions in a neuron.

a. glycogen granules

b. lipid droplets

c. melanin

d. lipofusion

Answer. a.glycogen granules

The same as other cell types, neurons have such an organellar herder which performs some different tasks. Within a neuron’s cytoplasm, among the larger inclusion bodies are glycogen granules.

Glycogen is a set of glucose molecules organized into bags of glycogen molecules for energy storage of neurons. Nervous cells have a great oxygen consumption as a result of their transmission of electrical impulses to the synapse. The glycogen stored in these granules can be to bursts of energy in ATP as well as essential for normal neuronal activities.

Neurons in our body do not contain lipid droplets and melanin as major cytoplasmic envelopes in the neurons. Besides lipid droplets in adipose in the tissue, which take part in the storage and metabolism of energy, lipid droplets are more likely to be found in adipose tissues. A major hair component melanin is a pigment which is found typically in melanocytes and plays a protecting role in cells from ultraviolet radiation damage.






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