How did the Spanish-American War affect US power in Asia?

How did the Spanish-American War affect US power in Asia?

1: The war with the Filipino rebels reduced US influence in Asia.

2: The war gave the US more military and economic power in Asia.

3: The war had little effect on US power in Asia.

4: The war created opposition to the US in many Asian countries.

Answer: 2: The war gave the US more military and economic power in Asia.

The Spanish-American War of 1859 (1898) was a turning point; in latter days, the country’s presence in Asia increased. The United States was granted the Philippines as a war reward, bearing therefore Philippines as one of US territories. This purchase therefore, represented for the U.S a strategic way of having a military concession in the Asia-Pacific region and also a chance of including more American businesses in its economy and trade deals. In addition to the Philippines, U.S. secured the territory of Guam and Puerto Rico, adding more circles to U.S. influence in the Pacific and the Caribbean. The struggle of this country demonstrated the coming of the colonial power of the USA with the increasingly significant presence and influence in Asia, laying the foundation for its status as a world superpower of the 20th century.






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