which of the following statements concerning derivative classification is true?

which of the following statements concerning derivative classification is true?

1. photocopying a secret document and marking the photocopy secret is derivative classification

2. derivative classifiers are responsible for analyzing and evaluating information to identify elements that require classification

3. only government officials may perform derivative classification

4. consulting your FSO or security manager is always the first step in the derivative classification process

Answer: derivative classifiers are responsible for analyzing and evaluating information to identify elements that require classification


Derivative classification implies to the merging, modifying or rephrasing the derived information into a new document or a copy. The original classification authority is absent in the case of derivative classifier, these ones are responsible for the evaluating and interpreting the information to determine if the information contains classified elements with or without classification or rendering need. This entails critical thinking to be able to grasp the significance of the information, ascertain its unauthorized disclosure, and evaluate the degree of the damage it would cause the national security. Unlike the original classification, the derivative classifiers shall not have the authority to classify any newly received information, but as the name implies, they will have the power to classify derivatively by following the existing classification guidance. The derivative classifier participates very closely with the security officials during the process of handling the classified information, but the ultimate responsibility of correctly marking it remains on the classifier . Implementing derivative classification principles helps in the deprioritizing of the process of over classification while the security information is assigned and safeguarded.






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