
Can Canvas Detect Cheating?

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Canvas is a popular learning management system that several education institutes use to handle online learning. Especially, with this tool, a teacher can manage all the course-related materials, conduct Canvas quizzes and tests, check assignments, and measure the academic progress of students. Most importantly, Canvas also has a plagiarism detector and other advanced tools to spot cheating. But still, some students have a question ‘Can Canvas detect cheating?’ If you are also curious to know the answer to that question, read this blog.

Here, we have explained how Canvas detects cheating and how to cheat on Canvas tests, quizzes, and assignments.

How Does Canvas Detect Cheating?

Can Canvas Detect Cheating

Can Canvas detect cheating? Yes, if you copy-paste answers from somewhere else, Canvas will easily detect it. Particularly, to help instructors track the cheating activities of students, the tool has the following features.

Proctoring Software

Proctors are unbiased observers who keep an eye on canvas tests. The role of the proctor is to make sure the test taker’s credentials are accurate and the exam environment is ideal.

Exam proctoring is a virtual method of watching the person taking an exam through a video camera. Therefore, any attempt to cheat, working with friends, or looking for class notes will be recorded as cheating.

Quiz Log

When you attend Canvas tests and quizzes, the Quiz log system will record all your activities. Especially, with the help of the Quiz log, the Canvas will keep track of when you exit the site and when you switch tabs. Moreover, the system will also notify the instructor if you stay inactive.

Answer Comparison

Canvas automatically examines the relationships between students’ erroneous answers on the same exam. This method makes it possible to identify questionable trends and behaviors in these non-essay inquiries. However, this could be a coincidence, and teachers may occasionally overlook this feature.

Plagiarism Checker tool

Canvas has an in-built plagiarism checker tool to spot copy-paste Word documents. So, when you submit your assignment papers, Canvas will thoroughly check the document for plagiarism. Also, it will list the sources from where the contents are copied.

Lockdown Browsers

Canvas uses the Lockdown browser tool to identify open tabs. It is a useful tool for identifying and stopping pupils from acting inappropriately during tests. Furthermore, lockdown browsers provide the teachers with a video to watch after the exam. By viewing the videos, the teachers can review the test-taking process.

Don’t worry! You can also cheat on the Canvas using certain tactics. However, before we get to know the cheating hacks, first have a clear idea about what Canvas cannot detect.

Remember, cheating is a risky task. If you plan to cheat, then you must be smart enough to avoid being trapped by Canvas.

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When Canvas Cannot Detect Cheating?

As said above, Canvas uses different strategies to make cheating more difficult. If you are shrewd, then you can manage to cheat the system. Here, your goal ought to be to understand Canvas’s working process and devise a strategy for obtaining solutions. Later in this blog, when we examine ways to cheat on individual tasks like examinations and quizzes, we shall learn about them in detail.

The following are certain situations in which Canvas fails to identify cheating.

  • When you look for answers using a separate device like a phone
  • If you can find the answers in the 30 seconds that the Canvas allows for searching.
  • When exams are conducted without using the lockdown browsers
  • Submission of assignment papers without a plagiarism detector is not recommended.
  • When no proctored software is integrated with the platform.

These are only a few ways you may try to cheat on Canvas. Continue reading to find out several other methods you can use to cheat on Canvas and get the greatest grades.

Know How to Cheat on Canvas Tests and Examinations

Does Canvas detect when I cheat on tests? Yes, Canvas possesses several features to detect cheating on examinations and tests. However, you can still go around the system and cheat. Here, let us look at some hacks to cheat on Canvas tests

Prepare a Word Document before the Exams

In advance, create a Word document and add all the necessary information needed for you to complete the test. Next, keep the document open near the browser you are using to take the exam.

Once the exam begins, refer to the document you have created and provide answers. Canvas usually monitors the activities that occur only on the platform and will never recognize actions that occur outside the web browser. So, you can continuously refer to the document and take exams without being discovered. But make sure the information on the document is correct.

Use Any Other Device to Search for Answers Online

Are you unsure how to cheat on Canvas without being caught? If yes, then simply look for answers to your exam questions using other devices such as a phone or a tablet.

Canvas can only detect what happens within its platform, so it will be impossible to determine when a different device is used to look for solutions. Even with cameras, it can be difficult to detect when a phone is placed near a laptop to search for answers. For this reason, using this technique to cheat on an online test has become increasingly popular.

When trying this method, make sure your phone is charged, the internet is operating properly, and your device is placed close to the computer you are working on.

Use a Custom Browser

Using a personalized browser is another fantastic alternative for Canvas cheating. With the help of a custom browser, you can communicate with others without being recognized by Canvas.

When attending tests on a custom browser, you can share your screen and get correct solutions to your exam questions by collaborating with your friends. Moreover, this method will keep you active on your computer while your friend searches for answers and sends notes to you.

Understand How to Cheat on Canvas Quizzes

Usually, Canvas quizzes come with a lot of restrictions. Since Canvas uses a quiz log system, some students feel it would be impossible to cheat. However, there are certain tricks to cheat on Canvas quizzes.

Remember, the above-mentioned strategies for cheating on tests can likewise be applied to quizzes. Other than that, you may also use the following methods to cheat on the Canvas quiz.

Take Benefit from the 30-second Window

Generally, when you attend a quiz, the Canvas quiz log will recognize if you are not active for longer than thirty seconds. This serves as evidence to back up the claim that you cheated. But, if you are super fast, then you can easily beat the system by finding what you’re looking for in less than 30 seconds.

Keep in mind to space out your utilization of the 30-second slot to prevent the system from reporting you.

Cheat Proctoring

Typically, Canvas allows the supervisors to invigilate the online quiz or test using video conferencing. However, finding students cheating on Canvas with their notes will be difficult. So, prepare notes with important information and keep them near your table. Carefully referring to these notes will help you to refresh your memory and navigate your online quiz and test.

To avoid detection, make sure to summarize the details and create your notes on little pieces of paper.

Use the Network Failure Session to Find the Solutions

When attending a Canvas quiz, certain unavoidable events may disconnect you from the system. You may wisely use such interruptions to search for the proper solutions. For example, you may choose to state network failure or a poor internet connection as a reason.

Canvas cannot detect if you cheat during a network failure. But if you plan to state network failure as a reason, request your friend to unplug the Wi-Fi or internet connection so that you can obtain a network failure report.

To avoid being caught, make sure to share screenshots with your instructor to demonstrate that the network failure occurred.

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Learn How to Cheat on Canvas Assignments

When compared to Canvas quizzes, it is easier to cheat on homework and assignments. Moreover, your instructor can effortlessly identify copy-paste content in your work by using a plagiarism detector. But, you can still cheat on Canvas assignments by using the following strategies.

Copy from your Friend’s Assignment Paper

It is the most common cheating technique that everyone is familiar with. Canvas easily identifies copied text. So, to escape from plagiarism issues, carefully paraphrase everything that you copy from your friend’s assignment paper or any other sources.

Use Textbooks, Journals, and Publications

Generally, all educational institutes expect students to submit original and high-quality assignment papers. But writing an academic paper on something new is not easy. So, to get ideas and solutions for your homework questions, you can use textbooks and journals.

Some trainers may treat this action as academic dishonesty. Therefore, you should cautiously limit your arguments and make them sound original.


Canvas never tracks activities outside the platform. So, you can have a deep discussion with your family and friends and gather the points needed for your assignment. Your instructors may expect you to complete your assignment without any assistance. Hence, it is good to keep your discussion secret.

Hire Assignment Experts Online

If you experience any difficulties with writing your assignments, hire a subject matter expert. By using their expertise, the academic professionals will help you in completing your homework accurately and on time. Moreover, Canvas will fail to detect your outside activities.


Can Canvas detect cheating? Hopefully, by now, you will have got the answer to this question. In general, Canvas has several good features to detect your cheating. However, by using certain tactics as suggested in this blog, you can cheat on Canvas tests, quizzes, and assignments.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.      Can Canvas detect plagiarism?

Yes, Canvas contains an in-built plagiarism checker tool called Turnitin to identify copy-paste content in your academic paper.

2.      Does Canvas record screen?

No, Canvas does not record screen. But, it has tools like Quiz Log to track your activities on the platform.

3.      Can Canvas detect tab switching?

Yes, the Quiz log system of Canvas will note down when you switch tabs or exit the site. Moreover, it will also detect if you remain inactive for more than 30 seconds.

4.      How does Canvas detect cheating?

Canvas uses proctoring tools, a Quiz log system, and Turnitin plagiarism checker software to detect cheating.

5.      Can I cheat on the Canvas platform?

Yes, you can cheat on Canvas using certain tactics. However, you should be more careful and smart enough to be involved in cheating.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 9 minutes

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