
100+ Hard Words to Spell in the English Language

Home » 100+ Hard Words to Spell in the English Language

English is an amazing language that has both simple and complex words. Even the language has certain words with the same pronunciation and different spellings. Also, some words sound different from how they should be spelled. Likewise, in English, you can find a variety of hard words to spell. Here, especially for all those who frequently get caught in spelling errors, we have presented a list of some hardest words to spell in the English Language.

Recently, in the age of autocorrect, many people have ignored the importance of spelling and experience difficulties only at the time of writing an essay or academic paper. Particularly, if you are a participant in a Spelling Bee competition, then you must have a strong knowledge of English words and their spellings. Mostly, in the competition, you will be asked to write words that are hard to spell.


100 Hard Words to Spell in the English Language


Take a look at the list and improve your vocabulary.

Read More – Learn and Understand the Common English Techniques

Why it is Hard to Spell Some English Words?

Have you ever thought about why some English words are misspelled often and are even hard to spell? Basically, in English, there are a few spelling rules. If you are unaware of it, then chances are there for you to get locked in spelling errors out of confusion. Find here, some common reasons why certain words are hard to spell.

  • Differences in American and British English.
  • Lengthy words with many vowels.
  • Words with silent letters.
  • Double consonants.
  • Homophones [words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings]
  • Homographs [words with the same spelling but different pronunciation, meaning, and origin.]
  • Homonyms[words that have the same spelling and sound but different meanings]
  • Confusion with ‘e’ and ‘i’.
  • The similar sounds of ‘c’ and ‘k’.
  • A complication in the sound ‘y’, ‘ee’, and ‘lee’.
  • Double vowels.
  • Confusion with ‘ea’ and ‘ae’.

List of Hard Words to Spell in the English Language

Generally, the English language uses a mix of spellings and pronunciations from Latin, Greek, French, German, and many others. Also, certain words have different spellings in different countries. Hence, it is common for users to get confused.

To help you, here, we have categorized and listed some hardest words to spell in the English Language. Just Explore!

Also read: 12 Longest Words in the English Language

Lengthy Words Hard to Spell

English is a beautiful yet complex language, even for native Speakers. Apart from the typos, at certain times, people with good fluency also find it difficult to spell long words. The following are some long words that are hard to spell.

  1. Antidisestablishmentarianism
  2. Spectrophotofluorometrically
  3. Floccinaucinihilipilification
  4. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
  5. Hepaticocholangiogastrostomy
  6. Psychoneuroendocrinological
  7. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
  8. Tergiversation
  9. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
  10. Trichotillomania
  11. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  12. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Difficult Words to Spell in the English Language

In English, you can find several hardest words to spell. At times, the spelling and pronunciation of certain words will mismatch. So, possibilities are there for you to get held in trouble. Here is a list of some words with difficult spelling.

  1. Abacaxi
  2. Abgesang
  3. Logorrhoea
  4. Pochemuchka
  5. Autochthonous
  6. Aitch
  7. Gobbledegook
  8. Chiaroscurist
  9. Coelacanth
  10. Minuscule
  11. Kierkegaardian
  12. Fuchsia
  13. Sacrilegious
  14. Nauseous
  15. Playwright
  16. Gubernatorial
  17. Paraphernalia
  18. Chiaroscuro
  19. Logorrhea
  20. Zucchini
  21. Neapolitan
  22. Aluminoso
  23. Aequeo

Easy words that are hard to spell

In English, certain commonly used easy words often get misspelled. Here, let us take a look at the list of the easiest words that are hard to spell.

  1. Misspell
  2. Pharaoh
  3. Cemetery
  4. Weird
  5. Accommodate
  6. Intelligence
  7. Occasion
  8. Calendar
  9. Pronunciation
  10. Handkerchief

Tricky Homophones to Spell

Typically, homophones sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. The following are some homophones that are hard to spell.

  1. Week and weak
  2. Hair and hare
  3. Flour and flower
  4. Dear and deer
  5. Die and dye
  6. Blue and blew
  7. Fair and fare
  8. Witch and which
  9. Hole and whole
  10. Profit and prophet
  11. Hear and here
  12. Morning and mourning
  13. Knot and not
  14. Peace and piece
  15. Complement and compliment

Hard Words to Spell for School Students

The following are some English words that school students commonly write wrong.

  1. Chaos
  2. Pneumonia
  3. Liaison
  4. Corollary
  5. Confetti
  6. Defalcation
  7. Bizarre
  8. Braggadocio
  9. Echelon
  10. Panache
  11. Diarrhea
  12. Insouciant
  13. Autochthonous
  14. Sacrilegious
  15. Sesquipedalian

Hard Words for College Students to Spell

Here is a list of hard words that college students find difficult to spell.

  1. Condescend
  2. Discernible
  3. Unanimous
  4. Contemptuous
  5. Parachute
  6. Vengeance
  7. Acerbic
  8. Expunge
  9. Penurious
  10. Insidious
  11. Resplendent
  12. Bouillon
  13. Saccharine
  14. Presbyterian
  15. Scurrilous
  16. Boulevard
  17. Superintendent
  18. Teutonic
  19. Abysmal
  20. Bourgeois

Hard Words to Spell for Adults

The following is a list of words that adults often misspell.

  1. Acquiesce
  2. Andragogy
  3. Criterion
  4. Holistic
  5. Incongruous
  6. Juxtaposition
  7. Malapropism
  8. Obfuscate
  9. Onomatopoeia
  10. Soliloquy
  11. Colloquial
  12. Ubiquitous
  13. Courvoisier
  14. Rhythm
  15. Cnemidocoptes
  16. Surveillance
  17. Clairvoyant
  18. Questionnaire
  19. Connoisseur
  20. Embezzlement

Commonly Misspelled Words

The following are some commonly misspelled words in the English language.

  1. Breathe
  2. Restaurant
  3. Chronological
  4. Genuine
  5. Unforeseen
  6. Lacrosse
  7. Acknowledgment
  8. Foreign
  9. Colleague
  10. Persistent
  11. Hypocrite
  12. License
  13. Consensus
  14. Asylum
  15. Committee

Hard Spelling Words in English

The following are some English words that are often misspelled.

  1. Bureaucracy
  2. Champagne
  3. Fisticuffs
  4. Harassment
  5. Masseuse
  6. Broccoli
  7. Mastodon
  8. Chivalry
  9. Squadron
  10. Maneuver

The Bottom Line

English is a tricky language that contains several catches and exceptions in spelling rules. If you follow the rules properly, you can escape from committing errors. Some traps to ignore are silent letters, homophones, geographic variations, double consonants, and more. But note that, the more you read and practice, the better you will be at spelling the words in the English language.

Are you scared of getting low grades on your assignment because of spelling errors? Cool! Contact us quickly. In our team, we have English experts to offer you top-quality English assignment help online. Besides that, as a part of our online assignment help services, we also provide proofreading, where you can take assistance from our language helpers to rectify all the spelling and grammar errors in your assignments.

Just book your order and earn excellent benefits by utilizing our affordable assignment writing help services at an easy go.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 5 minutes

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