
Java vs. Python: A Comparative Study

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Computer language programming is the 9th highest paying job in the USA. The demand for skilled programmers is expected to rise by 25% by 2031. The Bureau of Labor projects an opening of 9600 programmers each year. Therefore, studying to become a programmer is a wise choice if you want to pursue a career in computer language. However, most students get confused when it comes to specializing in a programming language. Java and Python are the top choices among all students. In that which among them is the best? If you are stuck in the same dilemma, read this blog. Here, we have conducted an in-depth study on Java vs. Python. Read along to learn the differences.

Java vs. Python: Overview

Java Vs. Python

Here is an overview of Java vs. Python

What is Java?

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is also popularly known as a vigorously written general-purpose language. Java functions on almost 3 billion systems across the globe. Sun Microsystems developed this programming language in 1995. Java programming language is compatible with approximately all operating systems, like Mac OS, Windows, Linux, etc. It uses Java Virtual Machine to run the program on any operating system. An essential feature of Java programming is that you do not need to rewrite the program to use it in different operating systems; just write it once and use it everywhere. Additionally, it offers users multiple features like security, simplicity, easy interpretation, multithreaded, dynamic, robust, etc.

What is Python?

Python is another powerful object-oriented programming language that provides a variety of functionality to its users. Guido Van Rossum developed the program in 1985 at a research institute in the Netherlands. However, it was released to the public in the year 1990. The programming language gained its importance with the advent of big data. The high readability and easy comprehensibility nature make the programming language more popular among users.

Typically programming languages are developed using punctuations in the English language. It makes writing the programs more complicated and they are more prone to errors. However, Python is different. It does not take the help of any punctuation and uses simple English language. Some noteworthy features of the programming language include being easy to learn and read, highly interactive, portable, scalable, etc.

Java vs. Python:  Syntax

When you compare Java vs. Python you will notice that both these programming languages use completely distinct syntax to write the program. Let’s take a look at the differences.

Syntax of Java

Programming languages like Java are strictly based on syntax. It indicates that you need to write the program in your own language and state the condition of the variable. For example int, float, double, etc.  However, it must adhere to strict Java syntax rules.

Java programming language is statically typed. It denotes that you must declare the nature of your variables before applying them in the program. Unless it is done, the program will not function in any way.

Most developers find the statically typed language very helpful. It is because these types of programming languages help a programmer to ideate the type of variables to use to develop a program.

Syntax of Python

On the contrary, Python is a form of dynamically typed programming language. When you develop a program using Python you do not need to state the nature of variables within your program. Here, the interpreter examines the categories of variables used in the program at runtime. Hence, the syntaxes used in Python are quite simple. You can use simple English languages like pseudocode to develop content with the program. Apart from that, it saves you from using braces and adhering to other syntax rules. For this reason, beginners in programming languages find Python quite easy to use.

Also read: Best Java Project Ideas for Beginners and Experts

Java vs Python:  Examples

Take a look at the examples to find the difference between Java vs. Python.

Java Example

Here is an example of Java programming language.

public class Students {

String name;

String age;

public Students(String name, String age){



public void myfunction()


System.out.println(“Hello I’m a :” +name);


public void myage()


System.out.println(“Hello my age is:” + age);


Python Example

Take a look at the example of Python language below.

Class Students:

def_init_(mysillyobject, name, age);



def myfunction(abc) :

print(“hello I’m a “+ abc.name)

def myage(abc) :

print(“hello my Color is ” + abc.age)

p1 = Students (“Gurmeet”, “24”)


Java vs. Python: Performance

There is also a huge contrast in the performance of both programming languages. Let us see the dissimilarity between Java vs. Python to recognize the details.

Performance of Java

When the situation entails performance in Java vs Python, you can easily notice that Java is quite faster than Python. The use of Java Virtual Machine helps the programming language to perform faster on any platform. It indicates that you must rely on Java to run applications without any glitches and at high speed. The reason behind this is that if you assert the data type within the program, then the interpreter is not required to examine the data type on run time.

Performance of Python

In contrast, programmers consider Python as one of the slowest programming languages in the world. It works at a much lower speed than that of C and C++.  Python is a programming interpreter. Hence it examines the data type on run time. This feature makes the program run at a much slower speed.

Read more: Get to Know the Difference between Java and JavaScript

Java vs. Python: Which is Easier to Learn?

There is a lot of difference in the ease of learning in Java vs. Python. Here are the prominent differences.


Java is quite a complicated language. Learning it is not easy when compared to Python. The reason behind it is that Java adheres to the strict syntax rules to write the program. If you forget to add a single curly brace or the semicolon, then your program will stop running completely.

However, if you begin to learn Object-oriented programming languages from the beginning, in that case, learning Java is quite easy and can be an excellent option for you. Java has strong community support. You can get in touch with other developers on these platforms and get your issues resolved by skilled programmers. Moreover, they can help you resolve all your queries.


In contrast, Python is very easy to learn even for those who have just begun learning programming languages. Additionally, the syntax used in Python is quite similar to the simple English language. Hence, applying is also quite easy. Additionally, open-source programming languages like Python have huge community support. Hence, beginners in programming languages can grab the language quite easily with little or no need for community support. Additionally, the official website offers proper documentation, a beginner’s guide, FAQs, Python books, and a lot more data related to Python programming.

Java vs. Python: Which is better for Web Development?

Java and Python are both used in backend web development methods. However, there is a difference in their application.


The programming language system of Java is intended to operate on the server in backend web development in place of the client browser. Many structures inside Java programming language make the developer’s work easier than ever before when it comes to developing complicated server-side applications. Java provides excellent support to develop server applications. It includes a backend framework that offers a substantial environment to develop backend applications. However, there is a drawback. The website developed will be very safe but the speed will be slower than the portals developed with other programming languages.


On the other hand, Python provides the Django and Flask framework for website development. Both of these structures are extensively used for building backend applications. Plus, the micro web framework in Flask and the complete-featured framework in Django help in developing commanding backend applications. You get both – security and efficiency from Python for web development.

Moreover, Django provides the Object Related Mapping layer in web development. It is very useful in dealing with the database to conduct multiple data-related functions. In this comparison between Java vs. Python, Python has a slender edge over Java.

Also read: Python Interview Questions For Beginners and Experienced (2023)

Java vs. Python: Compatibility of Machine Learning

Here are the differences between Java vs. Python established on the compatibility of Machine learning.


Machine learning has become popular in recent times. Nowadays, a programmer likes languages that are very compatible with machine learning. Java is one of the most liked programming languages at least in terms of use for machine learning.

One of the primary reasons is that debugging programs is quite easy in Java when compared to other programming languages. Programmers employ Java on a large scale and enterprise-level applications. It is also widely applied in deep learning.


Python is the other most popular and long-established programming language for machine learning. These days, Python is used as the programming for different disciplines, especially for performing experiments in machine learning.

It also aids the programmers to use the power of Artificial Intelligence in their respective fields. Most programmers use Python for more than 70% of development in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It is because Python provides a vast environment and libraries for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Apart from that, Python is believed to be one of the finest languages for deep learning.

Java vs. Python: Data Science

Data science is important for business functioning. Programming languages like Java and Python are both used in Data Science but they have different uses. Here are the differences between Java vs. Python in terms of use in Data Science.


You cannot apply Java openly in data science.  First, you have to develop a personalized Hadoop for data science projects. It is data storage, which data scientists utilize for storing huge quantities of data gathered from varied sources. In recent times data science organizations require complete command over the data science assignments. Therefore, they choose to depend on their Hadoop in place of pre-created Hadoop.


Python is another widely used programming language for data science. These days it replaces the application of R in data science. You can use Python programming to perform a variety of functions in data science without chipping in or outsourcing other programs.

Read more: Python vs. SQL: Get To Know the Major Differences

Java vs. Python: Architecture

Here is the difference between the architecture of Java vs. Python.

Java Architecture

It uses the Java Virtual Machine for its functioning.  It provides the run-time ecosystem to function the Java code. The Java Virtual Machine first changes the Java Code into the bytecode and then the bytecode into machine language. It uses the Java Runtime Environment for the entire process.

Python Architecture

Python utilizes the interpreter. It is applied to translate the source code into the machine-independent bytecode (.pyc) and reserves the .pyc file in the __PyCache__ folder. When you run the Python program, at that time the interpreter employs this byte and never translates it again. The precise bytecode is transferred to a Python Virtual Machine to carry out the program.

Java vs. Python: Job Opportunities

Python and Java both offer high opportunities for the employability of programmers who have a decent command over the language and one can expect handsome compensations. Here is the difference between Java vs. Python in terms of job opportunities.


Programming developers who specialize in Java does not have a higher salary as compared to those who are an expert in Python. A Java developer can expect a median salary of 102,000 USD per annum.


On the other hand, a Python developer earns a lot more than a Java programmer. They can expect a median salary of 108,484 USD per annum.

Java vs. Python: Differences in Tabular Form

Factors Java Python
Use in web development The programming language system of Java intends to operate on the server in backend web development in place of the client browser. Python provides the Django and Flask framework for website development. Both of these structures are extensively used for building backend applications.
Ease of learning It is quite a complicated language. Learning it is not easy when compared to Python. It is very easy to learn, even for those who have just begun learning programming languages.
Syntax class A { public static void main(String args[]){     System.out.println(“Hello World”); }} Hello World in Python: print “hello world”;
Performance Java programming performs faster as compared to Python. Python codes function much slower than Java.
Learning Curve It is quite complicated to learn. It is easy to use and learn.
Backend Framework Blade, Spring Flask, Django
Machine Learning Libraries Weka, Deeplearning4j, Mallet, MOA Pytorch., Tensorflow.
Architecture JVM gives the runtime environment to run the program & and change each bytecode into Machine Learning. The interpreter interprets each source code to machine-independent bytecodes.
Salaries Java programmers do not get as a high salary as Python programmers. They earn approximately 102,000 USD per annum. Python programmers earn a much higher salary than that of Java developers. They make a median salary of 108,484 USD per annum.


Similarities between Java and Python

Despite all these differences, Java and Python have many similarities. Here are a few prominent ones:

  • Both Java and Python incorporate strong across-the-platform support and wide standard libraries.
  • They both consider almost everything as objects.
  • Both the programming languages assemble to bytecode, though Python is typically compiled at runtime.


From the above discussion, it is clear that Java and Python both are programming languages. But there are many differences. In this blog post, we have put our best efforts into describing the difference between Java vs. Python by pointing out their overview, structure, performance, uses in data science, etc. Now, it is up to you to choose the programming language that you want to learn the most.  contact us right away.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 12 minutes

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