
180 Impactful Religion Research Paper Topics

Home » 180 Impactful Religion Research Paper Topics

Religious Studies is a broad academic field that deals with the ideas and beliefs of different religions in the world. If you are a student pursuing a degree in theology or religious studies, then as a part of the course, you might be asked to submit a religion research paper. Basically, for academic paper preparation, a good topic is necessary. Since religion is a wide subject, in it, you can gather numerous religious research paper topics. However, in case, you are confused about what religion topic to choose for your research paper, take a look at this blog. Here, for your convenience, we have suggested 180 religion research paper topics. Also, we have explained how to choose a perfect topic and draft a detailed religion research paper deserving of an A+ grade.

Explore and update your knowledge of religion research paper writing.

Tips for Choosing a Good Religion Research Paper

For writing a religion research paper, a good topic is necessary. Whenever you are in search of a topic for writing a religion research paper, make sure to keep the following tips in mind.

  • Always pick a topic that you are interested in because it would be comfortable for you to perform research and improve your work quality.
  • Give preference to a topic that is related to scientific facts and values.
  • Select a topic that has a wide research scope and supports multiple views.
  • Never think about opinion-based topics.
  • Avoid selecting a topic that focuses on the biased view of a particular religion.

Learn How to Write a Religion Research Paper

When writing a research paper on religious topics, you need to avoid certain mistakes. Most importantly, to achieve top grades, you will have to create your religion research paper correctly. Here are some valuable tips you must follow to create an exceptional essay on a religious topic

  • Avoid sharing personal opinions. Criticizing any religion is dangerous, but doing so from an emotional or experience-based position is even worse. Remember, a single person’s beliefs and ideals may not necessarily represent the opinions of the entire community.
  • Structure the paper. Create a well-structured paper for easier reading and comprehension. It will more clearly convey your argument and demonstrate your methodical and well-organized approach to the study process.
  • Verify the reliability of your sources. It is essential to check the credibility of your sources. Unfortunately, there are many false scientific viewpoints and works on religious themes. Even if some of them have some validity, it is advisable to not include them in your work.
  • Examine the topic from a unique perspective. Presenting opposing viewpoints is the best method to prevent prejudice in your work. This will help you in drafting a great paper that approaches religious research using scientific methods rather than claiming to have a ‘single truth’.
  • Provide context of the topic. Religious writings will be complicated and full of symbolism. Also, they sometimes contain many contradictory statements. But, to convey them correctly, you must provide context for them. This does not necessitate a recitation of the entire text, but the basic scenario must be mentioned.

Religion Research Paper Topics

List of Religion Research Paper Topics and Ideas

Do you want to write a religion research paper on the best topics? If yes, then go through the list of excellent religion research topic ideas recommended below and pick a topic that matches your interest.

Great Religion Research Paper Topics for College Students

In case, you are unsure what religion essay topic to select for your college assignments, then make use of the list recommended here. In the list, we have included some great religious research topics for students to consider.

  1. Discuss the role of religion in science.
  2. Explain the political effects of religion.
  3. The origin of religion.
  4. Generational details of religions.
  5. Explain the importance of religion in environmental issues.
  6. Belief systems without gods.
  7. What is the significance of religion in the political economy?
  8. The role of religion in literature.
  9. Talk about the common rituals in different religions.
  10. Discuss the relationship between religion and mental health.
  11. Who benefits from religion?
  12. Explain religion and space.
  13. Is a single-world religion possible?
  14. Discuss the postmodern thoughts on religion.
  15. The role of women in religion.

Simple Religion Research Paper Topics

Some religion-based research topics would be controversial or complex for you to deal with. So, instead of concentrating on tough topics, create your religion research paper on any of these simple topic ideas.

  1. Impact of religion on culture and society
  2. Cultural specifics of religions
  3. Discuss the role of religion in the history of science and education
  4. Religions act as social glue: Explain
  5. Evolution of tribal religions over the past fifty years
  6. The role of religion in the specific history of education as well as science.
  7. What is the role of religion and crime to forgive and punish?
  8. What are the cultural specifics of the religions
  9. Religion as well as the person from the viewpoint of social psychology
  10. Children and religions. Are children considered innocent in all religions?
  11. The effects of religion on teenagers.
  12. Religion and medicine.
  13. Symbolism in religion.
  14. The role of religion in marriages.
  15. The importance of sacrifice in religious practices.

Top Research Paper Topics on Religion

If you wish to create a top-score-fetching religion research paper, then first select a high-quality study topic that is relevant to your area of interest. These are some top religion research topics that might be helpful for you in boosting the grades of your academic paper.

  1. What are the different types of non-belief?
  2. Discuss the history of religion.
  3. What are the effects of religion on wars?
  4. Magic and illusions in religions.
  5. Religious Myths in modern society.
  6. Compare prayer and meditative techniques.
  7. Explain your views on death.
  8. Is religion and morality interconnected?
  9. Will religion ever end?
  10. How can religion be formed?
  11. Buddhism as an extensive and internally diverse tradition: Explain
  12. How life and influence of Shen-Hui impact Chinese Buddhism?
  13. Critical analysis of Mahayana doctrine in Buddhism
  14. Describe how Buddhism relates to philanthropy and charity
  15. Integration of democracy with Tibetan Buddhism

Good Religion Research Ideas for Students

The success of your religion research paper highly depends on the topic you have chosen. So, according to your objective, select a good religion research paper topic and work on it. The following are a few outstanding research ideas on religion that you might select to get started.

  1. Discuss the practices, beliefs, and myths related to Zoroastrianism
  2. Compare and contrast between Sect and Church
  3. Discuss the sociology of religion including its inherent problems
  4. Interaction between the Orthodox Church and Catholicism: history and modernity
  5. Discuss the features of esoteric teachings
  6. Impact of religious intolerance on the society and its development
  7. Secular Legislation and Sharia: Problems of Correlation
  8. Discuss the moral and social roots of religious extremism
  9. How does religious open-mindedness shape modern society?
  10. Discuss the problem of religious tolerance in modern society
  11. Teenagers and Religion: Can faith help in the improvement of the harshness of puberty
  12. The history of Hinduism and its impact on modern Indian culture
  13. Account for the concept of the history of evolution according to Science and according to religion and how it influences the ideas of the religious soul
  14. The concept of fear in maintaining religious authorities: how authorities in religious places inspire fear for absolute devotion
  15. The most feared religion: how Islamic extremists became identified as terrorist organizations

Research Topics on Buddhism

Buddhism is considered to be one of the best subjects to investigate because of its strong philosophical foundations and widespread influence. Listed below are some religion research paper topics that you may choose to explore the core ideas of Buddhism and their applicability to modern society.

  1. Is Buddhism a religion or philosophy?
  2. Discuss Chinese Buddhism.
  3. Can Buddhism coexist with science?
  4. Explain the origin and evolution of Buddhism.
  5. Human rights and Buddhism.
  6. What are the meditative practices of Buddhism?
  7. Discuss the political effect of Buddhism.
  8. The role of women in Buddhism.
  9. Explain what Buddhism talks about nature and ecology.
  10. Psychoanalysis and Buddhism.
  11. Shamanism and Buddhism within Mongolian culture
  12. Explain the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita
  13. Analyze the teachings of Vedas and Upanishads
  14. Describe the five big ideas of Hinduism
  15. Analyze the seven concepts of Hinduism

Christianity Research Paper Topics

You may create your religion research paper on any of the topics associated with Christianity and its principles. Especially, for your convenience, in this section, we have shared a collection of biblical topics that offer new perspectives on age-old debates and encourage a deeper understanding of one of the world’s most popular religions.

  1. What are the different Christian branches?
  2. Discuss the myths and rituals in the Church.
  3. Explain the origin and history of Christianity.
  4. What is the role of an individual in Christianity?
  5. Explain the racial differences in Christianity.
  6. The life of Jesus Christ and the themes of theology.
  7. Discuss Christian music development.
  8. Discuss the role of missionaries in spreading Christianity.
  9. What are the different Christian symbols?
  10. Christianity and colonization.
  11. The role of the Catholic Church in Christianity.
  12. The belief of Christianity on death.
  13. Talk about the perspectives of Christianity on interfaith marriage.
  14. Christianity in secular societies.
  15. Christianity and industrialism.

Hinduism Research Paper Topics

The rich values of mythology, philosophy, and cultural traditions that make up Hinduism offer a vast area of study for scholars. The following are some of the best religion research paper topics that cover the breadth of Hindu traditions as well as current events that will provide a forum for enlightening discussion.

  1. Discuss the origin and history of Hinduism.
  2. Explain the meaning of Dharma in Hinduism.
  3. The role of women in Hinduism.
  4. The major Gods of Hinduism.
  5. Discuss the connection between Yoga and Hinduism.
  6. The importance of cow protection and vegetarianism in Hinduism.
  7. The funeral rituals of Hinduism.
  8. Describe the different scriptures in Hinduism.
  9. Explain the cultural and religious opinions of Hinduism.
  10. The practice of worship in Hinduism.

Islam Research Paper Topics

The study of Islam reveals a tapestry of cultural, religious, and historical issues. Listed below are some religious research topic ideas that provide a foundation for a sophisticated examination of Islam’s impact on the entire world.

  1. The history of Islamic civilizations.
  2. The formation of Islam in the West.
  3. The role of a woman in Islam.
  4. Civil Islamic practices.
  5. The political impact of Islam.
  6. The polygamous marriages in Islam.
  7. Important prophets in Islam.
  8. The religious and cultural reasons behind wearing a hijab.
  9. The origin and evolution of Jihad in Islam.
  10. Talk about the perspectives of Islam on interfaith marriage.

Theology Research Paper Topics

Theology is the systematic study of the divine that will encourage you to delve deeply into religious doctrine and practice. The following are a few interesting theology research papers ideas that stimulate unique and critical thinking about a range of spiritual issues.

  1. What are the various theological models?
  2. Theology of love and death.
  3. Religious commentary on rational theology.
  4. Describe Political theology.
  5. The concept of narrative in theology.
  6. Theology of myth and reality.
  7. Theology and philosophy.
  8. Postmodern theology and atheism.
  9. Ethics from a theocentric perspective.
  10. Discuss the principles of systematic theology.
  11. What are the global cultural models in religious systems?
  12. Talk about the connection between the soul and religion.
  13. The effects of the Greek religion.
  14. Analyze the reincarnation concept in modern religion.
  15. The impact of gender on religion.

Read More – Best Theology Research Topics For Students To Consider

You may also study and develop your research paper on any of the popular religious topics. But while you write your academic paper on frequently chosen religious topics, rather than focusing on the old points, make sure to examine the topic from a different perspective and share fresh insights on it.

  1. Discuss the Salvation concept in Siddhartha.
  2. Talk about the dynamics of religious systems.
  3. The impact of religious systems on democracy.
  4. Classification of world religions.
  5. Explain the difference between the Bible and the Quran.
  6. Compare and contrast the lessons and teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, and the Tripitaka
  7. Syncretism in Religion
  8. Explain the relationship between religion, war, and terrorism
  9. Discuss the history of Jainism
  10. Differences between Buddhism and Jainism
  11. Define religious tolerance.
  12. Explain the concept of patriarchy in religion.
  13. Discuss the views of Karl Marx on religion.
  14. Explain the features of religion in sociology.
  15. The religious view of abortion.

Captivating Religion Research Paper Topics

The religion research paper that you compose should captivate your target readers and it should encourage them to read the entire paper. So, to make that happen, you may select any of these engaging religious topics and draft an informative research paper on them.

  1. Analyze the fundamental themes of the religious writings.
  2. Explain how different religions promote peace.
  3. What do people imagine God to be like?
  4. Explain how marriage is viewed in the Old Testament.
  5. Discuss the main issues that pagans encounter
  6. Research and write about agnosticism.
  7. Compare and contrast shamanism and modern faiths
  8. Explain what “Indeed Unity” means in the Islamic faith
  9. Describe the tenets of Chinese Buddhism
  10. Explain social ethics from a theocentric standpoint.

Interesting Religion Research Questions

Working on interesting topics will make your study process enjoyable. Therefore, when it comes to writing a religion research paper, always give preference to a topic from an area you are passionate about. These are some religious research questions that might be exciting for you to explore and write about.

  1. What are the basic ideas of religious books?
  2. Is Satanism a valid religion?
  3. What are the effective methods to build peace in religion?
  4. Religion and anthropology.
  5. Ancient religions in the world.
  6. Is it religiously right to freeze embryos?
  7. Nordic mythology and religion.
  8. The impact of mass media on religion.
  9. The causes of the Protestant Reformation.
  10. How to lead a spiritual life?
  11. The major religious cultures.
  12. Explain the importance of Baptism.
  13. Is atheism a new world religion?
  14. Religion and crime.
  15. How can religion be used to combat terrorism?

Unique Religion Research Ideas

Instead of focusing on popular study topics, give preference to a religious research topic or an area that is not explored much. Conducting extensive research on a unique topic will help you fill the knowledge gaps and keep your readers updated. The following are some original religion research titles that you may consider for your academic paper.

  1. The influence of religious laws on morality.
  2. What are the various duties of religious groups in Arabic countries?
  3. Explain the differences between atheism and agnosticism.
  4. The characteristics of a Saint.
  5. Big Bang theory and religion.
  6. Do Islam and traditionalism go hand in hand?
  7. The issues with Islam’s legal integration
  8. Without Islam, what would the world look like?
  9. Religion systems’ geographical dependencies
  10. Religion and violence: How it affects uprisings and conflicts
  11. Why should the government give religion preferential treatment?
  12. many perspectives on post-death experiences and mortality
  13. models of world religions’ cultures
  14. Democracy and religious belief systems
  15. Islamic image formation in the West

The Bottom Line

You cannot create an outstanding religion research paper without an excellent topic. If it is troublesome for you to spot an ideal topic, then feel free to select any religious research topic of your choice from the list suggested above. After choosing the right topic, conduct an in-depth study and craft a well-structured religious research paper or thesis. The research paper you create should explain a powerful thesis statement and prove it with valid evidence. Furthermore, to obtain good scores, the religion research paper that you compose should be plagiarism-free, properly cited, and flawless. In case, it is challenging for you to prepare your religion thesis, get assistance help from our subject experts. As per your university guidelines, from research paper topic selection to writing, and proofreading, they will guide you in completing your academic paper on any religion-based topics.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 13 minutes

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