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Big Data Analysis Help in Formulating Better

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Research questions

How does big data analysis help in formulating better and informed business decisions?

What is the impact of big data analysis on the business decision-making process?


Topic: “Big Data Analysis”


1. For this homework, you will need to submit a 1-page paper with:

(a) the selected topic for your research 

(b) the topic overviews. Please, write around 3-5 sentences stating the most important aspects that you consider you need to consider to fully understand the topic.

(c) [the potential] research problem, and 


(d) [the potential] research questions. You need to write at least 2 questions that you would like to answer using research methods.



Big data analysis is the use of advanced analytic method against a diverse and very large data set that includes unstructured data, semi-structured data, as well as structured data from various sources. The size of the data also varies significantly from terabytes to zettabytes. The term big data is applied to the data set whose type or size is beyond the capacity of the traditional relational database to capture, process, as well as manage the data ensuring low latency (Jiang et al., 2018). There are several characteristics of big data such as; high velocity, high volume, or high variety. There are several driving forces of big data such as mobile, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, as well as social media. These driving forces lead to data complexity through several new forms and sources of data.

Analysis of big data is important for researchers, decision-makers, businesses, and many more. It allows the organization to analyze the available set of big data in order to identify the market trends and based on the result of big data analysis, the organization can make a better and informed decision.

Research problem

This paper will look into the scope of big data analysis in better and informed decision-making. The focus of this paper will be on identifying the impact of big data analysis on the business decision-making process.



Jiang, D., Huo, L., & Song, H. (2018). Rethinking behaviors and activities of base stations in mobile cellular networks based on big data analysis. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.




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