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Concept of Atheism

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The context is based on argument of the existence of God within the society. Aspects of Atheism have been addressed in the following essay.


Main Body

The concept of Atheism says that an individual should reject the belief in gods just because it is an unnecessary belief for the practical life style. Now the statement often arises that “Should the people remove the concept of Gods from their life”. Many philosophers of the modern society have said that the belief in god is an individual concept of faith and humbleness. Most of the people believe in gods either on a religious concept or on a basis of spirituality. Atheism is the concept against the thoughts of the common people (Wagner 54-68). Hence it is important that Atheists do not commit any kind of activities in the society that harms the interests of common people who believe in gods. People who does follow the Atheism are should propagate this concept on a large scale in such a way that it does not harm the interests of other people. They should ensure that people realize the importance of self determination and inherit the policy of Atheism (Idris). There are several religions that exist in the society. Every religion has a specific gods or goddesses for that particular community. Above all it can be said that “Atheism focuses on humanity which is considered to be the main religion”. 



Atheism concepts are good intervention for real life situations. It detaches the people from illogical thoughts that they pursue in their minds for proper wellbeing. It addresses the individuals to adopt the policy of humanity where self determination is the key towards success rather than religious faith or beliefs. 


Idris, Dr. "Atheists Are Polytheists!." Islamreligion.com. N.p., 2019. Web. 29 Nov. 2019.

Wagner, Martin. "CAN FREUD EXPLAIN ATHEISM?." German Life and Letters 69.1 (2016): 54-68. Web.


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