Operational Plan For Increasing Volume
1.0 Justification of the supply chain
The Supply chain found in the services of HP could be found as an extended part of their long term business plan. The identification which I did was part of the business upgrade model that was found in all the other supply chains and was missing in ours. HP has been known for its successful implementation of digital supply and inventory management schemes. Here my judgment was also determined by the facilitation of several related processes in a single thread.
The objective of this organisation is to provide the best possible facility to the service holders and the affiliated employees and the HP supply chain would be effective enough to manage and control the effectiveness of the administrative process.
2.0 Cost feasibility estimations
The plan for me is feasible as it would contribute to the increment in the service allocation which in turn would increase the sales revenue. I am aware of the fact that such increment in the sales percentage would be possible only after a fixed timeframe (Flynn, Koufteros & Lu, 2016). Here the estimations have been on a monthly basis but my estimate dictates that it would take another three months to make additional profit.
The plan is cost reductive after that initial three months as after that the system would supplement itself through the revenue it contributes to the business in the following three months. In addition, this policy is followed in large-scaled MNC’s. The feasibility could be seen as the potentiality by which the plan is to be pitched and included as per my understanding.
3.0 Cost and return investment
The proposed monthly cost is better suited to the need of the business on a long term and there are additional features that are also supplemented by the HP incorporation and the following of the digitalization of the supply and management scale. When understanding the fundamentals of a strategic and effectiveness of the cost allocation process (Stevens & Johnson, 2016). If the investment has to be made with the understanding of the future needs then it would be better to observed as a separate inclusion that has long term values by its side.
4.0 Alternate plan
In a hypothetical situation where the directors instruct me to opt for a different approach then I would suggest the supply chain adopted by the company Amazon. The incorporation of health-care organizations in online retail seems as of a distant thought by the feasibility is still passable as it would require less resource from our company. My thought is making the health care services provided by us digitally accessible and also making the understandings on the reception that it gathers from there.
The incorporation of Amazon would allow the same digital frontier but with less pressure on the statutory services that are needed for the HP process. In this instance, the process is to be more inclined to be strategically incorporative of the information which is to be transferred in-between the management cores.
Reference List :
Flynn, B. B., Koufteros, X., & Lu, G. (2016). On theory in supply chain uncertainty and its implications for supply chain integration. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 52(3), 3-27. Retrieved from: https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/bitstream/handle/1805/11011/Flynn_2016_on.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=n [retrieved on: 7th of October, 2019]
Stevens, G. C., & Johnson, M. (2016). Integrating the supply chain… 25 years on. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46(1), 19-42. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mark_Johnson81/publication/290429204_Integrating_the_Supply_Chain_25_years_on/links/5b44658b458515f71cb8ae44/Integrating-the-Supply-Chain-25-years-on.pdf [retrieved on: 7th of October, 2019]