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Role of Religion in Cultures

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What are some roles of religion in cultures? Also, religions and religious organizations, such as churches, synagogues, or mosques, and the like, serve various human purposes globally. What are some of those specific human purposes and how do they fit into the broader culture surrounding the religious organization or organizations? An example you may be interested in researching is the langar in Sikhism, for instance, which offers free meals to visitors. What are some more examples to consider?


Answer :


Role of religion in cultures

Religion is the central part of the belief of people that guide their actions and activities. Religion is nothing but a set of beliefs and practices that unite into a single moral community that is the religious places such as church or mosque and conduct their religious practices. It is a very sensitive matter and for many years, it has been discussed that which religion is right or wrong. But the central focus of this essay is to discuss the role of religion in a culture or cultures. Religion plays a very significant role in cultures. There is a very tight relationship between religion and culture.

It is believed by the cultural anthropologists that religion has been with people since the beginning. One of the most significant roles of religion in cultures is that it helps in providing ways in order to deal with desires as well as struggles (Jamal & Sharifuddin, 2015). Religion is a ray of hope for people because when they get trapped in trouble, they think religious practices are the ways to get rid of the trouble. Religion guides the behavior of people within a society. It means that religion defines the limit of the action or activity of people and if anyone is going beyond that limit, his or her action is considered as unacceptable action by society. It helps in providing guidelines to society in order to find the identity. Religion provides the dress code along with the way to do an activity that would be part of the culture. If an individual is wearing a particular type of dress that is a part of his or her religion, it would be part of his or her culture as well. Going to religious places on a particular day for worship is a part of culture and religion as well. For example, on the 25th of December, Christian celebrate Christmas day that is a part of their culture as well as religion (Roudometof & Makrides, 2010). Religion also guides how an individual should talk and behavior with relatives, friends, family members, strangers, etc. that makes the culture of that society. Thus, it can be said that religion plays a very important role in cultures.

Religion also serves various human purposes. One of the greater purposes of religion is the greater welfare of people throughout the world. For example, every religion says to give donations to the poor of the needy people so that they can fulfill their basic needs. The people of the Sikh community use to organize 'Langar' that is a meal program through which they feed poor people. Similarly, the people of the Muslim community pay Zakat (a form of a donation) so that the poor of those who are in need can fulfill their needs (Abu-Nimer, 2001). Church also serves the people in need and the poor under the social welfare program. In the same way, every religion focuses on the welfare of people.


Abu-Nimer, M. (2001). Conflict resolution, culture, and religion: Toward a training model of interreligious peacebuilding. Journal of Peace Research, 38(6), 685-704. 

Jamal, A., & Sharifuddin, J. (2015). Perceived value and perceived usefulness of halal labeling: The role of religion and culture. Journal of Business Research, 68(5), 933-941.

Roudometof, V., & Makrides, V. (Eds.). (2010). Orthodox Christianity in 21st century Greece: The role of religion in culture, ethnicity, and politics. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.


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