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Situational Theory of Leadership

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Question :


Leadership positions within teams can often be fluid and dynamic. Circumstances may require an individual to step forward and lead in some situations and then adopt the role of follower in others. As a leader, how do you know when it is appropriate to lead and when it is appropriate to follow? How can you foster leadership skills in your team members so they too feel confident enough to lead when the situation calls for it?


Answer :



In various circumstances, there is a need for an individual to step forward and grittily accept the situation. This particular context is based upon the theory of situational leadership theory that is required in an emergency.


Main Body

Theory of situational leadership states the demand for the requirement of the leadership is sometimes based on the situations of emergency. Sometimes when an emergency occurs in group situations then a particular individual takes on the charge of playing the role of a leader (Lumenlearning, 2019). This is a kind of fluid or dynamic nature of leadership. 

Often in an organization, there is immense pressure for achieving the various targets set up the company. In that case, a particular employee may lead the team towards the path for achieving that target single-handedly. The decision to lead or to follow others depends on the skill sets of individuals who are the part of a team. Sometimes when the followed path is not a desired one then an individual must address the team towards a different set of approach (Thompson & Glasø, 2015). In case if the existing strategy suits the team functions then the individual must carry on the same process and also address the other members to follow the majority. Ideal leaders often motivate the other members by assigning duties to them in various aspects so that they learn to handle critical situations during the time of emergencies.



From the context, it can be concluded that ideal leaders need to tackle emergencies on behalf of the whole team. They should also be efficient in motivating and creating leadership skills within the other members of the team by various motivational methods.


Lumenlearning. (2019). Situational Theories of Leadership | Principles of Management. Retrieved 29 November 2019, from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-principlesmanagement/chapter/situational-theories-of-leadership/

Thompson, G., & Glasø, L. (2015). Situational leadership theory: a test from three perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(5), 527-544. doi: 10.1108/lodj-10-2013-0130


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