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The lived experience of minority nursing faculty

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The researchers have conducted this paper in order to study the lived experience of minority faculty in nursing. The researchers have not selected a significant problem statement for nursing.

Research question

The researchers have stated the research question in this paper explicitly which is “What are the lived experiences of minority nursing faculty.”

Literature review

The researchers have selected high quality literature review however the literature review is not up to date. It is reducing the quality of the literature review.

Research framework

The researchers have selected a theoretical framework from the nursing discipline itself. The theoretical framework selected by the researchers is LaFromboise of bicultural competence.


In this research paper, the researchers have selected phenomenological study in order to complete the paper.


They have selected minority nursing faculty as a research participant. The sample size of this paper is five. In order to select research participants, the researchers have used two techniques such as snowball and purposive. In order to determine the sample size, quota sampling technique has been used by the researchers. In qualitative research paper, the sample size is small. So, the sample size of this paper is adequate. The researchers have used inclusion and exclusion criteria so reduce biasness.

Protection of human research participants

Before conducting the research, the researchers have taken approval from ethics review board. It permitted them to conduct interviews of the sample population of the research in order to accomplish the paper. The researchers have not revealed the way through which research participants can be protected. Moreover, the researchers have taken the consent of research participants to conduct the interview to collect data.

Research design

Qualitative research design has been used by the researchers in this research paper. They allowed a graduate student to travel and collect data from the research participants.

Data collection

Face-to-face interview was conducted to collect interview with the help of close-ended questions.

Data analysis

They used transcriptionist to analyse the data. The data analysed separately by the researchers using simplified version of Hycner’s five-step explicitation process.


The researchers found that minority faculty faces several issues. The problem includes lack of support from colleagues, lack of mentorship, harnessing external support, etc. The research participants revealed that they feel isolated, acculturation. They feel that they are minority. The theme of the research paper is very meaningful as well as insightful. The researchers have also pointed out the limitation of the study. This study also implies that the minority faculty should be treated equally in nursing and they should be given a sense of equality.


Randomized controlled trial of a psychoeducation program for the self-management of chronic cardiac pain


The main purpose of conducting this quantitative paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of standardize psychoeducation program to improve resourcefulness, HRQL as well as self-efficacy of CSA patients. The researchers have selected a very significant research problem for nursing.

Research question and Hypothesis

The researchers have not explicitly stated the research question but the audience or reader can draw the research question from the study. The research question which can be drawn from the paper is “Is a standard psychoeducation program effective for improving HRQL, resourcefulness, and self-efficacy of CSA patients.” Thus, based on this the hypothesis of the paper can be drawn as “A standard psychoeducation program is effective to improve HRQL, resourcefulness, and self-efficacy of CSA patients.”

Literature review

The researchers have used quality literature review however the literature review is not up to date which may impact the quality significantly.


Moreover, in this study the researchers have not identified any conceptual or theoretical framework to accomplish this paper.

Research methodology

The researchers have used randomized controlled trial as a research methodology to complete the study.


The researchers have selected CSA patients as the research participants. The research participants have been recruited from three teaching hospitals which are university affiliated. Initially, there were 130 research participants in this research paper but only 117 research participants completed the research. There were three strategies which the researchers used to recruit the research participants. The first strategy was the clinicians at designated hospital recruitment sites identified eligible patients in the clinic setting. The second strategy was study information was made available in the offices and hospitals recruitment site newsletters of the clinicians. And the third strategy was the study was advertised in the community newspaper. In this research paper, the researchers have selected adequate sample size which can easily generalize the findings of the paper. In order to minimize the biasness, the researchers were used inclusion criteria.

Protection of human participants

The researchers took permission from the ethics review boards to conduct the study however, the steps to protect the research participants have not been mentioned by them.

Research design

The researchers have used randomised controlled research design to complete the study which is quite significant and effective for this paper. This research design also minimizes the biasness as well as external validity along with internal construct. It includes a trial in which the researchers allocated the research participants to either the six-week CASMP group or the three-month waitlist control group.

Data collection

Questionnaire technique has been used by the researchers to collect data from the research participants. There are two variables one is independent while another is dependent. The independent variable is a standard psychoeducation program. The dependent variable is resourcefulness, self-efficacy, and HRQL of the CSA patients.

Data analysis

There are several statistical tools which have been used by the researchers to complete this paper such as ANCOVA, ANOVA, MANOVA, t-test, and Chi-squire. The result of this paper cannot be said significant because p-value is greater than 0.05. So, with the help of drawn result it can be said that the standard psychoeducation program is not effective enough to improve the dependent variable of the study.

The following are the findings of the paper;

·         Short-term improvement in the research participants in self-efficacy and HRQL

·         Quite significant improvement in symptoms including frequency, duration, and severity of the cardiac pain.

The findings of the paper can be generalized. The limitations of the paper have been listed by the researchers. This study implies that interventions should be identified in order to improve HRQL, self-efficacy, as well as resourcefulness of CSA patients.



Kolade, F. M. (2016). The lived experience of minority nursing faculty: A phenomenological study. Journal of Professional Nursing, 32(2), 107-114.

McGillion, M. H., Watt-Watson, J., Stevens, B., LeFort, S. M., Coyte, P., & Graham, A. (2008). Randomized controlled trial of a psychoeducation program for the self-management of chronic cardiac pain. Journal of Pain and symptom management, 36(2), 126-140.



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