
74 Interesting Historical Events To Discuss About

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History is a vast subject that focuses on several interesting historical events from various periods at places across the world. Generally, exploring historical events will be more fun and exciting. So, when it comes to writing a history essay or a research paper, you can choose to work on topics related to historical events.

In case, you have no idea what historical event to write about, take a look at this blog. Here, we have shared 75 interesting historical events from different periods and locations to consider for academic writing. In addition to that, we have also suggested some important tips to find out the right historical event for your academic paper.

Continue reading and get fascinating essays and research topic ideas about historical events.

What Historical Event to Choose for Academic Writing?

interesting historical events

If you take world history, you will find thousands of historical events. Usually, when you have a lot of topics, it will be more difficult to choose one ideal topic from them. So, to make the topic selection process easier for you, here, we have shared certain tips.

When you are asked to write about any historical event of your choice, follow these tips and choose an excellent event.

Also Read: 130 Engaging Ancient History Topics for Academic Writing

Read and Understand the Instructions

For an academic paper, a good topic is essential. But before you begin your topic selection process, carefully read your history research paper writing guidelines. Sometimes your instructors may ask you to concentrate only on an event from a specific historic period. On the other hand, you will be given a choice to write about an event from a particular location.

Therefore, reading the paper writing instructions will help you determine what topic to choose.

Select a Particular Period or Location

Next, identify your area of interest and restrict your search based on that. It can be related to a specific historical period or a location. For instance, you can choose to work on a historic event from the 17th century or an event that happened in India during ancient times.

Narrow down the Subject

As said earlier, history is a wide subject with a lot of topics and subtopics. After you choose a particular period or location, based on your interest, narrow down the subject or topic as per your preferences. For example, if you are interested in Indian history, you will find plenty of events from different dynasties, Indian Independence, etc. So, limit your search to a specific concept. In this case, you may pick an event that happened during the Mughal Period [1526 -1857].

Explore and Gather Numerous Ideas

Once you have narrowed down the subject, refer to various credible sources related to the subject you have chosen and gather ideas. For example, if you have selected to write about an event from the Mughal Period, make sure to list down all major events that had happened at that time. Some interesting historical events from the Mughal period are the Battle of Panipat, the Mughal-Maratha War, the Battle of Buxar, etc.

Brainstorm the Collected Ideas

After you list out the ideas to consider for academic writing, brainstorm each idea separately. Extensive research and brainstorming will help you to identify an impactful historical event for your academic paper. While you brainstorm, ignore the least important events and the events with less scope for discussion.

Finalize the Topic

Analyze the shortlisted ideas well and choose a great event that allows you to come up with a powerful thesis statement or argument. Before you finalize the topic, make sure that the historical event that you have selected contains valuable evidence to support your argument. Furthermore, check whether it satisfies the academic paper writing guidelines of your university.

List of Interesting Historical Events to Discuss About

If you are in a dilemma about what historical event to choose for writing your academic paper, take a look at the list suggested below. In the list, we have shared 75 incredible historical events from different periods and locations.

Amazing Historical Events to Write About

  1. Write about the Chernobyl disaster.
  2. Discuss about the French Revolution.
  3. Prepare a research paper on the Cold War.
  4. Write about the Black Plaque.
  5. Compose an academic paper on Wall Street Market Crash
  6. Write about the Salem Witch Trials.
  7. Prepare an informative essay on the Vietnam War.
  8. Write about the American Revolution.
  9. Explore and write about the DNA history.
  10. Take a closer look at the First Flight.
  11. Describe a military event at the Battle of Hastings.
  12. Write about the events that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
  13. Discuss the events that led to the rise of Saudi Arabia.
  14. Write about the events that are related to the Copper Country Strike.
  15. Prepare an academic paper on the Yalta conference, an event during World War II.

Fascinating Historical Events to Touch Upon

  1. Write about the Operation Paperclip.
  2. Discuss the dramatic events portrayed in the biography of Julius Caesar.
  3. Focus on the events that led to the rise of teenage culture after World War II.
  4. Write about the voyages of Christopher Columbus.
  5. Prepare an academic paper on the Civil War, a defending event in US history.
  6. Explore the events associated with the assassination of Martin Luther King.
  7. Write about the fall of the Berlin Wall event in modern history.
  8. Discuss the interesting historical events associated with the South African Apartheid.
  9. Focus on the events around the creation of the Constitution of the United States.
  10. Write about the crucial events around the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  11. Talk a look at the historical events related to the LGBTQ community in the US.
  12. Analyze the chain of events leading to the Holocaust.
  13. Write about past events similar to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  14. Focus on the campaigns and protests that preceded the Women’s Suffrage event.
  15. Study the events that happened during the first Olympic Games event.
  1. Discuss the historical events that led to globalization.
  2. Describe the events around the Labor Day.
  3. Analyze the events before and after the invention of printing.
  4. Write about the interesting historical events that shaped the beliefs of people.
  5. Mention the events associated with ancient architecture.
  6. Explore the significant events related to the history of China.
  7. Discuss the post-World War II events that caused a loss of faith in the American way.
  8. Focus on the events associated with Christian-Rome relationships.
  9. Elaborate on the sequence of events behind the Armenian Genocide.
  10. Write about the Black Saturday bushfire tragedy.
  11. Focus on the events that occurred during the Napoleonic Wars.
  12. Discuss the significant events related to the loss of the RMS Titanic.
  13. Write about the major events related to the civil rights movement in 1954-1968.
  14. Discuss the events related to the history of Los Angeles.
  15. Focus on the interesting historical events from the Renaissance era.

Also Read: 250+ American History Topics for Academic Writing

Incredible Research Topics on Historical Events

  1. Discuss the events from the history of Somalia.
  2. Explain how the GoodBye, Lenin movie changed historical events.
  3. Write about the Biblical event that created the Jewish people.
  4. Discuss the events regarding the struggle for independence among Cambodians.
  5. Discuss the events in the history of Nepal.
  6. How did events of the 20th century impact Jamaica?
  7. Analyze how the Cold War influences current events in the US.
  8. Write about the events that happened during the invasion of the Persians and Greeks into India.
  9. Discuss the historical events from Akbar’s ruling period.
  10. Focus on the events that happened during Mahatma Gandhi’s freedom movement.
  11. Discuss the events related to the origin of the USA flag.
  12. Analyze the interesting historical events that led to the rise of fascism.
  13. Examine the role of Blacks in abolishing slavery.
  14. Focus on the event behind the construction of the Pyramid.

Captivating Essay Topics on Historical Events

  1. Discuss the historical events that led to the rise of the Mongol empire.
  2. Focus on the events associated with the collapse of the Byzantine Empire.
  3. Write about the events related to the US invasion of Iraq and its aftermath.
  4. Focus on the interesting historical events related to the Srilankan Civil War.
  5. Analyze the events that led to the decline of Feudalism in Europe.
  6. Write about the Battle of Gettysburg.
  7. Focus on the sinking of the Lusitania.
  8. Discuss the events associated with the discovery of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot.
  9. Focus on 21st -century Bayeux Tapestry.
  10. Write about the events associated with the invention of the first vaccine.
  11. Discuss the events that lead to the industrial revolution.
  12. Analyze the historical events that happened during the Chola period.
  13. Write about the emergence of the first cities in Mesopotamia.
  14. Discuss the events that happened during the Neolithic evolution.
  15. Focus on the impactful event from the Indian Independence movement.


From the above-suggested list, choose any event that is impressive to you and compose an outstanding academic paper with proper evidence. In case, you need expert help with history research paper topic selection, writing, and proofreading, call us quickly.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 8 minutes

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