
235 Best Position Paper Topics and Ideas

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If you are a school or a college student, then definitely at least once your instructors will ask you to write an argument or position essay. A position paper discusses an issue that people disagree on or presents disagreements about the causes, facts, values, and solutions of an issue. Mainly, for writing a position paper, a good topic is required the most. In case, you have no idea what topic to choose for composing a position essay, check this blog. Here, we have shared 235 best position paper topics on various themes. In addition to that, we have also explained the position paper topic selection and writing.

How to Choose a Good Position Paper Topic

Writing a position paper can be difficult since it takes extensive research, critical thinking, and compelling writing skills. However, selecting the correct topic can make the process simpler and more interesting. Here are some key tips for selecting an ideal position paper topic.

  • Think about your audience: When selecting a topic, consider your desired audience. Which topics are they most concerned about? What are their hobbies and beliefs? You have a better chance of engaging and persuading your audience only if you choose a topic that is related to them.
  • Brainstorm: Create a list of prospective topics that interest you. Don’t bother about refining your list at this point. Generate as many topic ideas as possible.
  • Conduct in-depth research: After you have compiled a list of possible topics, investigate each one to see if it is feasible. Consider elements like the issue’s complexity, the availability of research materials, and how relevant the topic is to current events.
  • Consider the claim statement types: When selecting a topic for your position paper, give more importance to the type of claim statement that includes facts and definition claims, value claims, cause claims, and policy claims. All these claim types are useful for crafting a brilliant position essay.
  • Finalize the topic: After a deep evaluation, finalize a position paper topic that is original, meaningful, researchable, feasible, and meets your professor’s instructions.
  • Get Feedback: Once you have selected a position paper topic, you can also seek advice from professionals. Their guidance might help you enhance the quality of your work.

position paper topics

Learn How to Write a Position Paper

Here are a few things that you need to bear in mind while writing a position paper in any particular subject:

  • Using only reliable sources for picking up the statistics – Whenever you choose any source of statistics & figures, you should always choose the most reliable sources of statistics.
  • Remember that anything is not equally good for everyone – Even though you are very devoted to your idea and the idea seems to be very good for the majority, there will always be people for whom this does not work. For example, vaccinations can save a lot of people from certain horrible diseases but there are people with immunity disorders or allergies.  For this set of people, this vaccination drive may not prove to be fruitful.
  • Not advisable to follow a particular fashion – This goes without any doubt that advertising has a great power to influence people. You can hear a lot regarding the newer revolutionary methods for improvement in a particular area. So, as a position paper researcher, you should be inquisitive about finding out new and valuable perspectives. This is a great alternative instead of following a particular fashion.

List of Position Paper Topics and Ideas

For your convenience, below we have suggested some outstanding position paper topics and ideas on different subjects such as health, medicine, nursing, psychology, etc. Go through them all and pick a good topic that is convenient for you to present a detailed discussion.

Position Paper Topics on Criminal Justice

In your position paper on criminal justice, you may choose to write about any issue that is associated with witnesses or victims who come into contact with the criminal justice system as accused or convicted offenders, or criminal justice personnel. These are some criminal justice topics you may consider for writing a position paper.

  1. The various holistic practices such as meditation, and yoga improve prisoner’s mindset
  2. The authorities should allow the prison inmates to earn their living during their tenure inside the prison
  3. The prison inmates are bound to take better mental health assistance
  4. The authorities should reduce the prisoners’ imprisonment term in case their behavior considerably improves inside the prison
  5. When a prisoner gets the freedom of speech, it does not delegate double standard law at any cost.
  6. The prisoner ought to take vocational training during their punishment period. This initiative is a positive way to reduce the crime rate.
  7. Police officers should follow the ethical codes more strictly
  8. The police officers provide both lenient trial and treatment in the Indian justice system. This happens to be due to criminal activity.
  9. Consumption of drugs should strictly come under a criminal offense
  10. Women misuse the violence laws
  11. Banning illegal drugs would reduce dependency in time
  12.  Gender becomes the prey of domestic violence
  13. Since many drugs are accountable for violence,  stringent law emergence can cope with it
  14. Bringing in an improvement in the juvenile prison system would benefit society to a great extent
  15. The minors adults committing heinous crimes ought to try court law than juveniles

Criminology Position Paper Topics

Criminology deals with crimes and criminal behaviors based on sociological concepts and non-legal disciplines such as psychology, economics, statistics, and anthropology. When it comes to writing a criminology position paper, you may take into account any of these topic ideas.

  1. Building more prisons would help in curbing the crime rates
  2. The prison treats the inmates ethically is surely better than those who are living in harsh living conditions
  3. White-collar criminals ought to necessarily face a similar prosecution as any other criminal
  4. Is it a fair idea to allow the media to cover criminal cases?
  5. Does media coverage influence the overall outcome of criminal justice?
  6. Should the government invest in better living conditions for the inmates?
  7. Does news coverage on social media platforms provoke criminals?
  8. Discuss the Great Trial of 1922
  9. Compare and contrast blue-collar crime and white-collar crime with examples
  10. Prison Reforms and Alternatives to Imprisonment
  11. Is it an ethical step from the U.S. government to abolish abortion law?
  12. Is a verdict of life imprisonment or the death penalty ethical to pass for a person who has murdered someone for self-defense?
  13. Young Offenders and the Criminal Justice System
  14. Criminal Justice Department
  15. Techniques to Influence the Criminal Justice System

Also read: Criminal Justice Research Topics to Convince Your Professor

Position Essay Topics on Criminology

If you are confused about what criminology topic to choose for writing your position essay, take help from the list published below. In the list, we have carefully analyzed and added some excellent position essay ideas on criminology.

  1. Racism in the US Criminal Justice System
  2. Exposure of Children to Domestic Violence in Australia
  3. Multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder) and criminal liability
  4. Criminals with borderline personality disorder
  5. Domestic abuse and violence against women across Middle-east countries
  6. Psychology and personality are related to each other.
  7. Geniuses are usually eccentric.
  8. Mental health disorder treatment can take place at home to change habits accordingly.
  9. Is food addiction a huge concern?
  10. The older generation people boasts of better mental health.
  11. Do issues in mental health affect a relationship?
  12. The military personnel is in need to have better mental health care
  13. Impulsive decisions do not have a negative outlook at any rate
  14. What are the prevailing Freudian principles and their relevance in modern society?
  15. Studying child psychology helps improve the practices of parenting

Read more topic: Exclusive Law Research Topics for You to Explore and Write

Position Paper Topics on Psychology

In a psychology position paper, you may analyze any specific issue relevant to the field and present your viewpoints on the problem, including arguments and valid evidence to prove your argument. Listed below are some exclusive psychology topic ideas that you may study and write a detailed position paper.

  1. The teachers must provide lectures, especially on psychology and child development core concept
  2. Behavioral psychology  is the part of HR personnel for better study too
  3.  Does substance abuse take place due to Mental health issues?
  4.  Does physical health and mental health co-relate to each other
  5. While falling in minute mental discomfort, it is not a core base to terminate his/her. Mental health
  6. Gaining employment is the right of all human beings even though mentally challenged people
  7. Conduct stringent tests for  the assessment of mental health professionals
  8. Poor upbringing is owing to the individual’s sexual orientation
  9. Counseling in schools is on priority
  10. Is sexual orientation a mental health issue?
  11. Why do South African children still deal with malnutrition?
  12. How do stigma and stereotypes negatively impact the lives and livelihood of LGBTQ+ people?
  13. Why child labor needs to be banned in every country in the world?
  14. Why every country must have a strong immigration policy?
  15. Should children below 16 years of age be restricted from accessing social media?
  16. Medical research  is useful away from threatening and harmful
  17. The occurrence of STDs improves, especially sexual education outline
  18. Banning alcohol advertising will reduce dependence, especially doing certain activities
  19. Forbidding fast food advertisements on TV can encourage to make healthy food
  20. The bargaining plea system cannot operate anymore.

Position Essay Topics on Psychology

Have your instructor asked you to submit a position essay on any psychology topic of your choice? If yes, then for your psychology assignments, feel free to pick any essay topic from the list suggested here. In the list, you will get a collection of incredible position essay prompts on psychology.

  1. Addiction to bad  substances comes into action due to inheritance
  2. Health insurance policy is owned to improve mental inequalities
  3. The government should invest to proffer mental health facilities
  4. Cyberbullying should be a punishable offense
  5. Bullying in schools is possible with both stringent repercussions and rules
  6. Anxiety and depression reflect social media engagement to some extent
  7. Individuals must seek professional assistance, especially for mental health complications
  8. Mental health education is the nitty-gritty of basic education
  9. Compulsory sex education in schools
  10. Does food addiction need to be considered a serious concern?
  11. Cult culture in the United States
  12. The psychology behind homophobia, racism, sexism, and prejudice
  13. Ragging in high schools and colleges should be punished
  14. No mercy for rapists
  15. What are the effects of bullying on the Student?
  16. Differences in the functioning of the brain of a man and woman.
  17. Similarities and differences among midlife crises of a man and a woman.
  18. The connection between criminality and dissociative disorder
  19. Criminals with borderline personality disorder
  20. Relationship between BPD (Borderline personality disorder) and criminal behavior
  21. Epidemiology of domestic and family violence
  22. Compare and contrast the juvenile delinquency-related laws in the United States and the United Kingdom
  23. Juvenile delinquency: Definition, causes, impact, and prevention
  24. Cult, Crime, and Capital Punishment
  25. Compare and contrast between gangs and cults

Read more: Captivating Psychology Research Topics for Good Grades

Position Paper Topics on Claim of Facts

A fact claim position paper is a kind of argumentative essay that makes a strong argument (claim) about a measurable topic (fact). A factual claim for a logical argument need not be as simple as a statistic or fact. Instead, it should focus on an assertion supported by facts, even if the evidence is debatable. Find here, some amazing position paper topics on fact claims.

  1. Pursuing arts can considerably improve the longevity of an individual
  2. Should the internet protect the artists’ rights too?
  3. Press freedom is a must, particularly for  entire civilization development
  4. Media is owing to the overall growth of secular tensions
  5. China emerges as the next global superpower
  6. The employees’ loyalty comes under the HR policies of a company
  7. A wide diversity in a workplace is crucial for retaining employees
  8. Diversity in the workplace improves the productivity of the workforce
  9. If you spare the rod, you will spoil the child
  10. The government of a country can determine the country’s progress by the woman’s status in society.
  11. There is strength in bigger numbers
  12. Companies dealing in social media must necessarily fix and adhere to privacy policies
  13. Parents should restrict the usage of social media by teenagers.
  14. This is a great idea to replace textbooks for academics with online resources
  15. Women are making themselves safer when they are dressing up conservatively

Additional Claim of Facts Position Paper Topics

To make the claim of fact essay topic selection process easier for you, on the list published below, we have included extra claims of facts position paper topic ideas on various themes. Go through the list and pick any topic that meets your objectives.

  1. With the increase in the rate of unemployment, there is a noticeable surge in crime rates
  2. Computers emergence has changed a lot particularly people’s lifestyles
  3. Teenagers are engaging in promiscuous sex and consequently, are likely to develop STDs
  4. Adding days to the average school year at any cost significantly improves learning habits
  5. Liberty is a synonym of freedom
  6. Religious prosecution exists even in the prevailing modern era
  7. Media can considerably influence the election results, especially the political parties
  8. The elected female officers  are much  different  than the elected male officers
  9. Inclusion of disabled people in every sphere of the society
  10. Inclusion of people into LGBTQA+ community in mainstream social settings
  11. A drastic change in people’s practices of socialization over the past three decades
  12. Women  are safer when they have a conservative and disciplined life
  13. Russia should stop its war against Ukraine
  14. Is a medical experiment on animals ethical?
  15. Should abortion be legalized?

Position Paper Topics on Value Claims

The claim of value essay is a form of persuasive rhetoric that asserts that something has value, either aesthetically or morally. In general, value claims involve making a judgment or appraisal about something. These assertions frequently include adjectives such as “good,” “bad,” “better,” or “worse.” These are some value claim topics on which you may create a position paper.

  1. Neither nuclear families nor traditional joint families are better for children. explain your argument.
  2. Is it ethical to create memes?
  3. Should elite athletes earn enormously?
  4. Is the usage of biological mutation morally acceptable?
  5. What are the things people should and should not post on social media?
  6. Should conventional schools invest in fine arts?
  7. What is the value of a liberal arts education?
  8. Is private tuition worth even the high costs?
  9. What do you mean by “designer babies”?
  10. Make sure whether you pay for music or free.
  11. Is the representation of both male and female gender in political office crucial?
  12. Should you allow kids more time for free paying or should you engage them in scheduled activities?
  13. Should the authorities ban beauty contests for young girls?
  14. Is it necessary to control the Barbie doll advertisement campaign?
  15. Does the police officers’ racial background determine how well they do their jobs?

Unique Position Paper Topics

For developing your position paper, give importance to any original topic or an idea from an area that is not explored much. This will help you make your paper stand top in your class. The following are some unique position paper topics you may deal with.

  1. Should fast-world countries take responsibility for ozone depletion?
  2. Are prisoners deserving of voting rights?
  3. Should a restriction be put on private property ownership?
  4. Are prescription drugs too expensive?
  5. The US education system needs to be overhauled.
  6. Social media is destroying family ties and personal values.
  7. Endangered species should be given similar rights as humans
  8. Drone warfare is ethical and warranted.
  9. The human species is on the verge of extinction.
  10. Corruption and embezzlement of public funds.

Interesting Position Paper Topics

When it comes to composing a position paper, always give preference to a topic that is more interesting to you. The entire research and paper creation process will not look tough for you if you work on your passionate subject. Listed below are some position paper topic ideas that might excite you the most to conduct a study.

  1. Should scientists be allowed to experiment on human embryos?
  2. Both Email texts and vest talking face-to-face are used for communication– which is better?
  3. Have cell phones changed the way we relate to each other?
  4. Which one is a better option – public sector schools or private sector schools?
  5. Which is more effective – the American educational system vs. European education system?
  6. Do you consider virtual classes to be better than conventional in-person classes?
  7. Classical education vs. modern education – which one is better?
  8. Student-centered education or teacher-centered education – which one is a better option?
  9. Should healthcare be a private sector or a public sector?
  10. Should parents necessarily use an authoritative approach to parenting or a liberal approach to parenting to bring up a child?
  11. Traditional games vs. video games – which is a better choice?
  12. Is it better to have a pro-choice or pro-life approach?
  13. Should the schools teach nutrition concepts and modules?
  14. Medical aid versus medical insurance – which is a better approach for the financially backward sections of society?
  15. Should the authorities treat people having health issues as part of society or outside of the same?

Position Paper Topics on Health

Are you seeking the best position paper topics on health? If yes, then take a look at the list presented below. In the list, we have shared some potential position paper topics and ideas on different areas of health.

  1. Criminal case-based web series impact youth negatively
  2. Allopathic treatment vs. Homeopathy treatment – which one is more effective for health?
  3. Should remote education be supported even after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic?
  4. Should children have scheduled activities or be left more time for free play? (value)
  5. How important is it to have equal representation of genders and races in political office? (value)
  6. Should hospitals and nursing homes hire translators for treating marginalized groups?
  7. Do authorities allow doctors to advertise medication?
  8. Are government authorities making vaccination obligatory?
  9. Is the punishment for malpractice in medical services more stringent?
  10. Should medical insurance companies cover complications that arise from self-treatment?
  11. The major advantages as well as disadvantages associated with healthcare insurance?
  12. Should the authorities define the working shifts for medical staff clearly?
  13. The major pros & cons of the cosmetic surgery industry
  14. Why should euthanasia be permissible?
  15. Know both the pros and cons of  electronic health record systems

Topics for Position Papers on Medicine

Typically, in a position paper on medicine, you should explain the knowledge gap, followed by an evidence-based examination of choices, culminating in an endorsed position. The following are a few awesome health topics on which you may create a position paper.

  1. Should adequate healthcare be properly provided in prisons?
  2. Is this the responsibility of the private sector to improve the healthcare services in a country?
  3. Does the government allow independent medical research?
  4. Is it the mandatory norm to test the HIV of both partners before marriage?
  5. Should the government take the onus of providing healthcare aid to the huge economically backward sections of society?
  6. Do ethnicity and race have an impact on the individuals’ health?
  7. Should equal access to the COVID-19 vaccine be provided to all sections of society?
  8. Has modern technology and its impact on mortality rate influenced society negatively?
  9. Is online medical consultation a good idea to pursue?
  10. Are social conditions in the twenty-first century impacting the healthcare sector prominently?
  11. Should the authorities make healthcare insurance mandatory for every individual?
  12. Is offering financial subsidies to the older people of the country very necessary?
  13. Should the authorities allow military service personnel to sue military doctors for any nature of medical malpractice?
  14. Is drug addiction a disease?
  15. Is there a way to reduce abortions without legislation?

Position Paper Topics on Nursing

A nursing position paper mostly addresses critical issues in psychiatric-mental health nursing that are important to the profession. In the paper, you should investigate a problem, formulate a viewpoint on it, and offer suggestions for solving it based on the best available data. Find here, some excellent nursing position paper topic ideas to focus on.

  1. Should the authorities impose forcible quarantine of individuals with dreaded sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and AIDS in a country?
  2. Would it be a great idea to use the medical knowledge that was gained from the experiments in Nazi camps in the field of modern medicine?
  3. Do you consider conducting medical experiments on animals ethical?
  4. Should free healthcare be mandatory for all the citizens of a country?
  5. Does going vegan can improve the health of an individual?
  6. Is bodybuilding considered to be healthy?
  7. Which is the most dangerous illness of the twenty-first century?
  8. What is the significance of palliative care?
  9. Do you still consider ancient health practices to be useful in modern health practice?
  10. Do pregnant women require extra attention?
  11. Does alternative medicine work?
  12. What are the health issues that an individual can face at the time of puberty?
  13. What role does chronic pain management play in improving the quality of life?
  14. Can a ban on alcohol and tobacco improve the overall health conditions of the people in a country?
  15. Why have people been so concerned about their reproductive health in the last decade?

Also read: Best Health Research Topics for You to Explore

Captivating Position Paper Topics

The position paper that you create should be informative and engaging to your readers. So, to make that happen, pick a topic that is capable of grabbing the attention of the readers. Listed below are some position paper topics that might captivate as well as educate your target audience.

  1. Are participation trophies in athletics a good idea?
  2. Should media coverage be regulated?
  3. How can we encourage people to recycle more?
  4. To what extent does individual identity depend on ethnic affiliation?
  5. What causes people to immigrate without proper papers?
  6. How is cyber warfare becoming more important?
  7. What can manufacturers do to help clean up the earth?
  8. How should the country’s school system be reformed?
  9. What is the value of knowing your racial and cultural heritage?
  10. What role should technology play in education?

Top-Notch Position Paper Topics

Would you wish to fetch high scores for your position paper? If yes, then concentrate on any high-quality position paper topic that has a good scope to generate counterarguments with supporting evidence. The following are some outstanding ideas that might help you in writing a position paper worthy of top grades.

  1. Vaccinating children
  2. Medical Marijuana
  3. Cost of prescription drugs.
  4. Should unpaid internships be prohibited in the United States?
  5. Should the federal government make prostitution legal?
  6. Should corporations be taxed at a lower or higher rate?
  7. Why does the United States have an obesity problem?
  8. Do healthy diets have a negative or positive effect on your mood?
  9. What characteristics distinguish high-functioning adults suffering from schizophrenia?
  10. Is it necessary to reorganize and regulate law enforcement?
  11. Should the Food and Drug Administration play a larger role in regulating the American diet?
  12. How does the average American diet compare to diets from other countries?
  13. Are there enough nutritious meal options in public schools?
  14. Are college students required to take an excessive number of courses per semester?
  15. How much say should parents have over their children’s relationships?
  16. People should increase their cultural sensitivity to establish peace
  17. Is it true to believe that the use of a system like Bitcoin helps protect against identity theft?
  18. What evidence do people have that Cosmic Microwave Background is the result of the Big Bang?
  19. Which are the most remarkable cultural and social achievements of the 20th century and how do they influence our society?
  20. Should public transportation be free for higher education students?

Read more Topic: Best Health Research Topics for You to Explore

The Bottom Line

Hopefully, the list recommended above will help you in crafting an outstanding position paper. From that list, without any hesitation, pick a topic relevant to your field of study and interest, conduct an in-depth study on it, and then create a convincing position essay. Whenever you compose a position paper, make sure to present your arguments with proper reasoning. In case, it is difficult for you to choose a perfect topic and write a great position paper, reach out to us. From essay topic selection to proofreading and writing, our team of assignment experts will provide cheap and the best assistance as per your needs.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 21 minutes

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