
What is a Thesis Summary and How to Write it?

Home » What is a Thesis Summary and How to Write it?

Are you unsure of how to write a thesis summary? Well, have a look at this blog post. Especially, for your understanding, here we have explained in detail how to write a brief thesis summary by including all the essential points relevant to the research question. Moreover, we have also shared some important thesis summary writing tips and the qualities of a good summary.

But before jumping to the steps for writing a concise summary for a thesis, first, let us see a quick overview of its definition.

What is a Thesis Summary?

A thesis summary is a highly compact version of a lengthier research paper or a thesis. It mostly highlights the key points based on the content of the whole thesis. In general, both the thesis summary and abstract serve the same objective in the dissertation. Hence, the readers might instantly understand the crux of your academic paper, while just reading the summary. In a nutshell, a summary gives readers a chance to quickly understand what the important contents of an academic paper are.


Thesis Summary


What to Include in a Thesis Summary?

Are you confused about what to include in the summary of your thesis? Cool! Just take a look below to learn about the components to be added to it.

  • Capture the core points as well as the supporting points of your paper. Meanwhile, you may eliminate the less important points and only extract the crux to prepare your thesis.
  • Subsequently, try to understand the difference between a thesis summary and an analysis. Probably, an analysis elucidates the techniques, ideas, and significance of a text, while a summary doesn’t critique any idea.
  • In short, a summary doesn’t replace analysis, instead, it establishes ideas that need analysis.

Standard Structure of a Thesis Summary

  • Firstly, include a title that relates to the theme of your thesis as you ought to attract your readers.
  • Secondly, write the purpose of your thesis, so that the audience knows what they have to read.
  • Thirdly, present the key topic of your thesis, as the readers need to know the theme of your thesis.
  • Lastly, ensure to state your research methods, sub-sections, recommendations, results, and the conclusion of your thesis.

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Understand How to Write a Thesis Summary

Certainly, a summary depicts the author’s viewpoints directly, so you ought to read the research paper carefully before writing your summary. Also, you need to identify the major and minor elements as well as summarize them systematically. Hence, you ought to read, apprehend, and reconstruct your thesis into a shorter version.


Thesis Summary

Know How to Write an Executive Summary for a Short Thesis

If your thesis is no longer than ten pages, perhaps you might follow the executive summary structure given below:

  • Possibly, you may write a brief of each paragraph that’s included in your thesis.
  • Simultaneously, you may develop a brief of the whole text in just one sentence.
  • Besides, begin the paragraph using a sentence that briefs the entire text, succeeded by a paragraph of summary sentences.
  • Also, restructure and rewrite your paragraph to ensure that your summary is brief and precise.
  • Lastly, eliminate repetitive points and try to use transition words as much as possible.

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Learn How to Write a Summary for Ph.D. Thesis

If you have a long thesis to write, perhaps you ought to spend quality time preparing your thesis. Moreover, time is crucial because you might have to read, apprehend, and document points before you write your summary.

  • To illustrate, first, you have to make an outline of your thesis and break it down into various important sections. To clarify, you may select paragraphs discussing similar concepts and enlist the sub-points for each section.
  • Simultaneously, summarize each section of your thesis in one or two paragraphs. Also, develop a topic sentence that might summarize the whole text.
  • Besides, you may develop one or multiple paragraphs to begin the complete summary sentences. Alternatively, you may use sentences that will summarize the various sections of your thesis.
  • Finally, rewrite and rearrange the paragraphs to make the text brief as well as precise and also remove repetitive points. Also, you ought to ensure proper transitions, while developing the summary of your thesis.

Qualities of a Good Thesis Summary

Perhaps, many of you will depend on the internet for samples that might guide you to write a good thesis. However, you may have worries, because you don’t know to differentiate between a good and a bad sample. So, if this is the case, probably we have a list of qualities for you that may help you to choose good samples.

  1. Comprehensive– If a thesis summary is comprehensive, perhaps it is a good sample. Indeed, each key point plays an important role, hence, all need inclusion in the summary.
  2. Concise– Besides, your thesis needs to avoid repetition and sound as concisely as possible. Thus, you ought to avoid any kind of repetition in your work and make it precise and clear.
  3. Coherence– Simultaneously, ensure that all your summary sentences are relevant to your original thesis document and make some sense.
  4. Independence– Most importantly, make sure to raise your voice and opinions, instead of duplicating the work of the original author. Hence, just quoting the author’s opinion might not fetch you good marks, instead, you have to express it in your own words.

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Thesis Summary Examples

For your better understanding, here, we have shared a few examples of a thesis summary. When it comes to writing a summary for your thesis, you may refer to the examples and summarize your work in the same way.

Example 1

This thesis employs both quantitative and qualitative research methods to examine the threat posed by the bombing of kindergartens and the possibility of World War II, to provide insight into how these events can be prevented. The main points of this thesis are as follows: an overview of the current threat, an analysis of potential consequences, and recommendations for preventing these events. By offering a thorough overview of the research, this thesis emphasizes the significance of comprehending the relevance of these threats and offers guidance on how to avoid them.

Example 2

This study looks at the association between social media use and mental health outcomes in young individuals aged 18 to 25. Using a mixed-methods approach, this thesis investigates the relationship between social media use and feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. According to the findings, excessive social media use is connected with higher symptoms of sadness and anxiety, but moderate use is linked to improved social connections and decreased feelings of loneliness. The thesis research indicates that social media use can have both beneficial and negative consequences on mental health, depending on the level and character of interaction. The findings have significance for mental health practitioners, governments, and individuals who want to understand the benefits and risks of social media use.


To effectively communicate the main argument of the thesis with supporting points, it is essential to write a clear and concise thesis summary. So, you may simply follow the guidelines suggested in this blog to come up with a good thesis summary irrespective of its length. In case, you still struggle to compose a summary for your PhD thesis, reach out to us. On our team, we have several well-experienced and qualified thesis writers to assist you in writing a great thesis summary according to your specifications. Mastering the art of summarizing a thesis will help you contribute effectively to the academic conversation and improve your research skills.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 7 minutes

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