
List of Excellent Wedding Speech Topics and Ideas

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Do you want to give a wedding speech? Are you searching for the best wedding speech topics and ideas? Cool! This blog post is for you. Here, we have shared a few wedding speech ideas and tips for writing a wedding speech. Continue reading and get interesting ideas for wedding speech preparation.

What is a Wedding Speech?

A wedding speech is a speech given in front of the entire audience to wish the newlyweds good health, fortune, and happiness in their union. The wedding speech primarily acts as a formal thank-you address. Thank your parents for organizing the wedding, the guests that attended, and all other participants in the event during your speech.

This speech aims to amuse the audience. The toast at the wedding typically serves as a transitional piece between the wedding ceremony and the start of the reception. The speech may contain humor, emotion, or nostalgia. Usually, the host and introducer will be the Master of Ceremonies (MC) or Toastmasters. After that, the speakers or visitors will give speeches on the greatest wedding speech topics and convey their congratulations and blessings to the newlyweds. The father of the bride, the groom, the best man, and the maid of honor will frequently provide the wedding speech.


Wedding Speech Topics

How to Choose a Good Wedding Speech Topic

For delivering a wedding speech, a good topic is essential. If you are clueless about what wedding speech topic to pick or if you need inspiration for generating an excellent idea for your wedding speech, then ask yourself these questions during the brainstorming process.

  • Who will speak before and after you? How will this alter the contents of your toast?
  • Maybe you might thank them for their introduction, refer to their speech, or present the next speaker.
  • Is there someone you would like to thank for helping to organize the event and inviting you to give a speech?
  • If you were in the audience, what would you like to hear in this speech?
  • Is there a favorite tale or recollection that the couple would like you to share with their friends and family?

General Wedding Speech Template

Are you confused about how to prepare a wedding speech? No worries! If you are asked to give a wedding speech, make sure to write a wedding speech prior and rehearse it. Writing a wedding speech wouldn’t be tough for you if you follow the wedding speech template mentioned below.

  1. Introduce yourself to the audience.
  2. Explain your relationship with the groom or bride.
  3. Add a personal reflection or a funny one-liner.
  4. Thank the organizers or hosts.
  5. End the introduction of your speech with a well-meant line about the wedding ceremony.
  6. Share a funny anecdote about the couple.
  7. Describe the couples in pleasant adjectives.
  8. Complement their characters.
  9. Speak about any wedding speech topics.
  10. Explain how valuable the wedding couple is to you.
  11. Mention what they said to you about each other.
  12. List the compelling values of the couple.
  13. Share your advice based on perceptions of love or your experience.
  14. Wish the couple a long, happy, healthy, and prosperous future.
  15. Bring out a wedding toast and give your salutations.

List of Wedding Speech Topics and Ideas

A wedding speech is a kind of informal speech or Informative Speech Topic. When giving a wedding speech, you can be personal and share your ideas in a natural flow. But to be professional, divide your speech into different categories or paragraphs as listed below.

  • Welcome and Congratulations
  • Compliments and Personal Notes
  • Key Events
  • Anecdotes and Stories
  • Wishes and Toasts

Here, we have shared a list of wedding speech topics and ideas that you can consider.


Wedding Speech Topics infographics

Welcome and Congratulations

When beginning the wedding speech, it is important to welcome the guests and congratulate the newly-wed couples. Here are some ideas you need to focus on during the introduction part of your wedding speech.

  1. Welcome the couple
  2. Welcome the guests
  3. Congratulate the couple, family, and friends
  4. Introduce all the public speakers [the father of the bride, best man, and maid of honor]
  5. Start your speech by singing the favorite song of the bride and the groom

Compliments and Personal Notes

In this section, we have shared a few significant ideas on the compliments and personal notes to be considered when delivering a wedding speech.

  1. Compliment the bride.
  2. Compliment the one who dolled up the bride.
  3. Thank the person who plays the role of the best man for his efforts.
  4. Briefly describe your relationship with the bride and groom.
  5. Explain why you are invited to speak at the wedding ceremony.
  6. Explain why you desire to speak at the celebration.
  7. Describe how you met them.
  8. From the bottom of your heart, tell them what they mean to you personally.
  9. Mention the special people in the bridal couple’s life.
  10. If you are an after-dinner speaker, refer to the joy of the meal.

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Key Events

To deliver an amazing wedding speech, it is crucial to shed light on the key events related to wedding preparation. The following are some ideas on the wedding events that you need to focus on in your speech.

  1. Mention the milestones in the lives of the bride and the groom.
  2. Share the key events that you played a major part in.
  3. Describe what happened on the day they were born.
  4. On a happy note, describe what in history happened on this day of love.
  5. Describe your feelings after marrying your childhood crush
  6. Share your experience as a wife
  7. Describe the most memorable incident in your married life to date
  8. Share the most memorable days spent with the bride and groom by recalling some of your fondest experiences with them as their common friend
  9. Start by cracking a joke or recalling any humorous anecdote to loosen up the crowd
  10. Consider including some props or a musical instrument throughout the speech

Anecdotes and Stories

If you are keen enough to deliver a heartfelt wedding speech, then make sure to share some anecdotes or narrate stories that are associated with the bride or groom. Listed below are some anecdotes and stories you may deal with in your wedding speech.

  1. Share a funny anecdote about the run-up to this beautiful occasion.
  2. Mention the funny things about the groom or bride.
  3. Narrate a happy story of the bridal couple.
  4. Explain how they met for the first time.
  5. Tell how they have been introduced to the parents.
  6. Describe their common activities.
  7. Explain their different characters.
  8. Share the happiest moment in your marriage life on the day of your 5th marriage anniversary
  9. Describe the most significant part of your love life
  10. Use a projector to share the childhood photos of some funny moments of the bride and the groom along with their first photo together

Wishes and Toasts

Before you wrap up your wedding speech, remember to share your warm wishes with the bridal couple. At the end, present your thank you notes. You may also close your speech with a toast. The following are some wedding speech wishes and toasts to consider.

  1. Express how happy everyone is.
  2. Wish the new couple all good things in life.
  3. Thank guests for attending.
  4. Add a joke or quotation as a closing statement.
  5. End your ceremonial speech with a toast.
  6. Describe the most favorite Hollywood movie of the groom and bride
  7. Two opposing football coaches from rival schools fall in love with each other and decide to marry
  8. Narrate the most memorable but scary story of the bridal couple
  9. Wish your sister a happy married life
  10. Congratulate the parents of the bride and the groom

A Few Other Impressive Wedding Speech Topics

Do you have no idea what topic to choose for a wedding speech? If yes, then make use of the list suggested below. In the list, we have included some fascinating wedding speech topics and ideas to get started.

  1. Share your first impression of the couple.
  2. Reminisce about the day you met the bride or groom.
  3. Say a poem wishing the couple.
  4. Talk about the future of their new life together
  5. Acknowledge family and friends
  6. Share some advice for the newlyweds.
  7. Talk about the things that you love about the couple.
  8. Share a cheeky pun.
  9. Tastefully roast the bride or groom.
  10. Share a video message with the couple.

Tips for Writing a Memorable Wedding Speech

When writing a wedding speech, make sure to follow the dos and don’ts as mentioned below.

  1. The wedding speech should be short, memorable, and engaging.
  2. The maximum time limit for a wedding speech should be 4 or 5 minutes.
  3. Don’t bore people with a long wedding speech.
  4. Make your speech more personal.
  5. Add a little pinch of humor, but not too much.
  6. Balance your speech with humor and heartfelt emotions.
  7. Write a strong speech opener and closer.
  8. Thank all the relevant people who deserve a thank you.
  9. Never share embarrassing stories from the bachelorette party.
  10. Avoid making racist jokes or comments about any of the families’ cultures or traditions.
  11. Do not use offensive lines.
  12. Be yourself. Don’t cross the limit and hurt anyone’s feelings.
  13. Don’t deliver your speech in a hurry. Give a pause at appropriate places.
  14. Rehearse your talk multiple times to boost your confidence level. Give importance to your body language, facial expressions, and hand positions.
  15. While speaking, make eye contact with happy couples and other guests. Don’t be nervous. Make sure to talk with a smile.

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Wedding Speech Preparation Ideas

Preparation is required to deliver an excellent wedding speech. Here are a few preparation ideas you need to take into account if you are asked to present a wedding speech.

  1. Share your gratitude to the moms, sisters, and aunts who dressed the bride.
  2. Please let the actor know how much you appreciate his efforts even if you’re not the best man.
  3. Share your relationship with the bride and groom in a few words.
  4. Mention why they invited you to speak at their happy occasion.
  5. Start your wedding speech by saying something complimentary about the gorgeous wedding ceremony.
  6. Tell a funny tale about the bride, the groom, or the married pair.
  7. As of this writing, I’m still looking for ideas and recollections for this part.
  8. Specify the passions, hobbies, sports, or other things they enjoy doing with you. Writing a wedding speech is more enjoyable when this element is added.
  9. Tell the rumors they shared about one another to you.
  10. Mention how much you value the bride and groom. Give a few motivational tenets.
  11. Share the most memorable events in life after your marriage and after becoming the mom of twins
  12. Describe the passion common in the groom and bride
  13. Create a speech wishing the groom for winning the state-level football championship and winning the bride’s heart with that win
  14. Wish the couple a healthy and happy life and all the good things they want in life on their 1st marriage anniversary
  15. Wishing your best friend and your brother on their marriage day.

Final Words

Based on the wedding speech topics and ideas shared in this blog post, prepare a memorable wedding speech with lovable words. Giving a wedding speech is an honor. So, spend some time and write the wedding speech effectively. Be personal and add a lot of emotions to your speech. The wedding speech you give should be memorable to the bridal couples as well as the guests. In case, it is challenging for you to prepare a wedding speech, get assistance from the finest speech writers in our team. As per your needs, they will guide you in crafting an amazing wedding speech.

Jacob Smith Speech Topics Reading Time: 10 minutes

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