
Get To Know The Significant Differences Between Float Vs. Double

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In Java, data types indicate the size and type of values. It stores an identifier’s floating values.  Both Float and Double data types pile up floating values, but they are still different. If you are interested in learning the key differences between Float vs. Double, this blog will be of great help. Here we have clarified the concept and uses of Float and Double and shared the major distinctions between the two.

Differences Between Float Vs. Double

Concept of Float and Double

Data is widely divided into 2 types: numeric data and non-numeric data. Non-numeric data comprises characters and strings. Numeric data is built with both whole numbers and floating-point values. Whole numbers are natural numbers that are not available in the form of fractions. In contrast, floating-point numbers have both fractions and whole numbers. Whole numbers are allocated with multiple types of data based on the degree of the data requested, which may be used as required. In the same way, varying with the size of the fractional element, floating point numbers are assigned to multiple types of data. Floating-point numbers are handled by Java in two ways: Float and Double.

What Is Float In Java?


Float is a type of data whose definition is an element of the Java language itself. It is used to represent floating points with single precision. It can also include a factional part, for example, 2.11 or -0.052. To declare a variable as a Float in Java, you must use the word “float”, the name of the variable, and the initial value. However, adding this initial value is not mandatory.


Input code:

import java.util.*;
public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args){

Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println(“Enter the radius of the circle: “);
float radius = sc.nextFloat();

float area = (22.0f/7.0f) * radius * radius;

System.out.println(“Area of the Circle is “+ area +” sq. units”);



Output code:

Enter the radius of the circle:
The area of the circle is 95.07143 sq. units.
…Programming finished with exit code 0.
Press ENTER to exit the console.

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What is Double in Java?

Similar to Float, Double is also a form of data whose definition forms part of the Java programming language. It indicates that the number can be in a larger range and have more unique precision. However, Double variables consume more memory space than float variables. To declare a data type as double, it is essential to input the code with the keyword “double”. The name of the variable and an optional initial value must accompany it.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println(“Enter the radius of the circle: “);

// Use double to allow for fractional radius.
double radius = scanner. next Double();

// Calculate the area.
double area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2);

System.out.println(“The area of the circle is: ” + area);


Enter the radius of the circle:
The area of the circle is 95.03317777109125.
…Programming finished with exit code 0.
Press ENTER to exit the console.

When To Use Float And Double In Java

Differences Between Float Vs. Double

Float and Double are used in Java on 2 different occasions.

When To Use Float in Java

Float is employed when the application needs average precision and is susceptible to memory usage.


  • Graphical programming, where single-precision computations are often adequate for rendering images and animation,
  • Embedded Systems, where memory resources are restricted.
  • Non-critical computation, where minor imprecision is acceptable.

When to use Double in Java?

Double is used when the application needs high accuracy and precision.


  • Scientific calculation, where exact calculations are vital for reliable results.
  • Financial application, where minute imprecision leads to significant errors.
  • Meteorological Systems, where precise coordinates are mandatory for correct mapping.

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Similarities Between Float And Double

There are two prominent resemblances between Float and Java.

  • Both the Float and Double data types can symbolize real values. Additionally, they can also stock up real numbers in them, which may be in the form of a fraction or a decimal point, for example, 1.11, 2.14, 3.8956, etc.
  • Float and double data types consist of approximate values. Hence, they are not accurate.

Float vs. Double: A Comparative Study

Here is a comparative study of Float vs. Double.

Float vs. Double: Difference In Their Size

Here is the difference in sizes between the Float and Double:

  • Float: Float is a form of single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating-point data. It uses one bit for the sign, eight bits for the exponent, and 23 bits for the mantissa.
  • Double: Double is a form of 64-bit double-precision IEEE 754 floating-point data. It utilizes one bit for the sign, 11 bits for the exponent, and 52 bits for the mantissa.

Float vs. Double: Differences In Their Uses

Here is the difference in uses of the Float and Double:\

  • Float: Java Float data types are employed in massive arrays of floating-point integers to preserve memory. It must be considered that Float data types should never be utilized for deriving precise quantities such as currency.
  • Double: For decimal numbers, the double data type is typically used by default. However, one must never use Double values in areas that require accurate values, for example, scientific calculations.

Float vs. Double: Difference in Default Values

Here is the difference in the default values of Float and Double

  • Float: In Java, a float data type stores a decimal value with an accuracy level of up to 6-7 digits. So, for instance, you can preserve float values of 11.11345 but not 11.113456247. When you want to express a float data type in Java, it is essential to add the letter f at the end of the data type; otherwise, it will store the data as a double.
  • Double: The double data type saves decimal numbers with an accuracy of 15–16 digits. Its default value is 0.0d, which indicates that if you do not add f or d to the concluding part of the decimal, Java will store the number as a double.

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Tabular Representation Of The Differences Between Float vs. Double



Origin For Comparison Java Float Double
Definition Float is a type of data whose definition is an element of the Java language itself. It is used to represent floating points with single precision. It is a form of single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating-point data. Double is also a form of data whose definition forms part of the Java programming language. It indicates that the number can be in a larger range and have more unique precision than float numbers. Double is a form of 64-bit double-precision IEEE 754 floating-point data..
Memory It consumes 4 bytes of memory. It consumes 8 bytes of memory.
Default Data Type It is not the customary floating-point number in Java. It is the standard data type for floating-point values and is the popularly used form for floating-point values.
Accuracy Accuracy of Java float is quite low. Java double gives high accurate value.
Academics A float is an IEEE 754 floating point value of 32 bits. A double is an IEEE 754 floating-point value of 64 bits.
Precision Float is developed on single-precision digits. It indicates that it is up to 6-7 decimal digits. Double is formed on double-precision digits. It means that it has decimal value of up to 15-16 decimal digits.
Data Loss If you change float to double digits format, there will be no loss of data. If you change Java Double data to Java Float, there will be some lose of data.
Keyword used A Float number is symbolized by using the Float keyword. A Double data type or number is represented by using the Double keyword.
Representation 28.96f or 28.96F 12.5 or 12.5D or 12.5d


The discussion above highlights the prominent differences as well as some similarities between Float vs. Double data types in Java. Though both Java float and Java Double represent floating-point numbers, there are a few things to consider when you choose between Java Float and Java Double. Indeed, both Java Float and Double give approximate types; employ Double if you require more precise and accurate results. In contrast, if you have limited memory capacity, Float can be of greater help to you since it consumes almost half the space of Double. Additionally, Double can be a lot more helpful in cases where a set of numbers cannot fit in the range offered by the float. But you must always be cautious about not using floating-point calculation and representation for monetary calculation; instead, employ Big Decimal.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 8 minutes

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