
170 Best Business Law Paper Topics To Examine

Home » 170 Best Business Law Paper Topics To Examine

Business law is one of the common types of law that governs the rights, relationships, and conduct of businesses and individuals engaged in sales, merchandising, and commerce. If you are a law student, then for your final assignments, you may very well work on business law paper topics. In case, you are worried about what topic to choose for your business law thesis, take a look at this blog post. Here, we have presented a list of outstanding business law research paper topics and ideas. Additionally, we have provided certain tactics on how to select a good topic for a business law paper.


Business Law Paper Topics


Tips for Selecting a Business Law Paper Topic

To write a successful academic paper, a powerful topic is necessary. For your law assignments, you can choose one ideal topic associated with any business law concept. Since business law is a broad subject with plenty of research ideas; it might be confusing for you to pick the best one. If you experience any difficulties in choosing a topic for your business law paper, follow the below-mentioned topic selection tips. It would aid you in picking a great topic.

  • Meet all the requirements: Select a topic that would fulfill all the criteria of the given paper as you can score good marks. Ensure to work minutely with your professor, if you want to choose a good topic for your research. Seeking the support of your professor will provide you with confidence that you are working on the right track.
  • Choose a topic that sounds interesting to you: Always, select a topic that is interesting for you, then only you can make it interesting for the audience you are trying to target. Business research paper topics should be alluring and be able to encourage you to do the required research to fetch the required resources.
  • Select a topic that is not very broad or very narrow: Be extra cautious to select a topic that is not too broad, because you will face difficulties covering all the elements of the topic. However, if you choose a narrow topic, it would be difficult for you to find sufficient data for your research.


List of Business Law Paper Topics and Ideas

On the internet, you can find several law research topics. For your convenience, below we have suggested a list of interesting business law paper topics on different concepts such as political models, contracts, taxes, data protection policies, copyrights, business ideologies, and so on. Go through the entire list of ideas and pick the one that is convenient for you to research and write about.

Business and Competition Law Topics for Research

For your law research paper, you may choose any topic that is related to business or competition law. The following is a list of incredible business and competition law research topics that might be helpful for you.

  1. Discuss the impact of antitrust laws on market competition.
  2. Explain the role of competition authorities in promoting fair competition.
  3. Discuss the role of merger control in preventing anti-competitive practices.
  4. Examine the challenges of regulating global mergers and acquisitions.
  5. Discuss the legal implications of price fixing and bid rigging.
  6. Conduct legal analysis of vertical restraints in business contracts.
  7. Examine the impact of big tech companies on competition and consumer welfare.
  8. Discuss the correlation between competition law and intellectual property law.
  9. Evaluate the effectiveness of leniency programs in antitrust enforcement.
  10. Discuss the role of competition law in regulating marketplaces.

Contract Law and Commercial Transaction Research Topics

Business law involves certain policies that are related to contract and commercial transactions. So, when it comes to writing a business law research paper, you may focus on any contract law and commercial transaction topic ideas listed below.

  1. Discuss the applications of unconscionability in contract law.
  2. Conduct a comparative study of common law and civil law approaches to contract law.
  3. Explore the role of e-contracts in modern commerce.
  4. Discuss the legal implications of e-signatures in international commercial transactions.
  5. Take a look at contract breach.
  6. Focus on legal requirements for contract formation in e-commerce.
  7. Explain the significance of contract review and due diligence in business transactions.
  8. Analyze the Doctrine of Frustration in Contract Law.
  9. Explore the legal implications of Force Majeure Clauses in business contracts.
  10. Analyze the Legal Enforceability of Clickwrap and Browsewrap Agreements.

Employment and Labor Law Research Ideas

Employees play a key role in the success of a business. Therefore, for their welfare, each country follows a separate employment and labor law. To create a business law thesis, from the list of employment and labor law topics recommended here, you may choose any topic.

  1. Take a look at legal protection and challenges related to discrimination in the workplace.
  2. Discuss the role of Labor Unions in Shaping Labor Law and Worker Rights.
  3. Explain the Implications of the Gig Economy on Labor Law and Worker Rights.
  4. Focus on Workplace Harassment Prevention and Legal Compliance.
  5. Study the workplace privacy policy.
  6. Explain how to legally ensure employee protection.
  7. Examine the legal and ethical implications of employee monitoring.
  8. Take a look at the Legal Implications of Non-Compete Agreements on Employee Mobility.
  9. The Intersection of Labor Law and Collective Bargaining.
  10. Reimagine employment law in the age of freelancing.

Top Business Law Paper Topics

Do you need the top business law topics for your research paper? If yes, then explore the list recommended below and choose any topic that aligns with your needs. In the list, we have included the top-rated business law research topics to get started.

  1. Law of contracts- its application in corporate deals, understanding its interpretations.
  2. Importance of copyrights and trademarks in business deals.
  3. Analyzing the role of a business organization in collaboration with business law.
  4. Advertising legislation- To ensure compliance of the online advertisement with the associated law.
  5. An analysis of contractual law for verbal and non-verbal agreement.
  6. An analysis of the discrepancy between the law implementation for online copyright infringement and offline copyright infringement.
  7. Law of contracts: Their presence in corporate transactions learning
  8. An Insight of Contract Laws for Application of Verbal and Non-Verbal Agreements.
  9. Compare and contrast the copyright acts in the United States and India
  10. Discuss the similarities and differences between copyrights, patents, and trademarks
  11. Significance of Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations in the Australian Context
  12. Discuss the general rules of ratified treaties
  13. Role of Employment and Labour Court in Upholding Business Laws
  14. Steps that can be taken to avoid sabotage of commercial legislation.
  15. Impact of succession laws on business.

Simple Business Law Paper Ideas for Students

Usually, working on complex business law topics will consume a lot of time and might be challenging. So, to save time and effortlessly complete your work, you can concentrate on any simple business law topics listed below.

  1. Discuss the impact of Labour Laws on the companies operating in the United States
  2. Compare and contrast the corporate governance laws in the United States and United Arab Emirates
  3. Discuss the business tax laws formulated by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
  4. Significance of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and Equal Pay Act of 1963
  5. Impact of the Fair Credit Reporting Act on American Companies
  6. Business law creates a business model for the economies of every society.
  7. Business law and the importance of termination law.
  8. Explain how to align a contract process with the law interpreting it.
  9. Impact of termination agreement on a business deal.
  10. Drawbacks for a business while engaging in regular or business leases.
  11. Studying the Whistleblowers of Sarbanes Oxley.
  12. Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002.
  13. Fairbanks Capital Corporations and the Schlosser.
  14. Role of alternative dispute resolutions in business.
  15. How does a cooperative society form a business law?

Best Business Law Paper Topics

If you want to fetch the top score in your class, then work on any of the best research paper topics on business law concepts. The following are some amazing business law topics that are worth investigating and writing about.

  1. Critical Analysis of Antitrust Law
  2. Contract law establishes a legal obligation: Discuss
  3. Importance of IP (intellectual property) laws
  4. Pros and cons of the custodian in the banking business
  5. Why do one country’s business laws differ from country to country?
  6. Develop a comparative study by focusing on the most important business laws
  7. Discuss the functions of business laws
  8. What are the common malpractices business owners are involved with?
  9. What law should guarantee a peaceful environment in the workplace?
  10. How has Brexit impacted the corporate law of the United Kingdom?
  11. Evaluating the solutions for the breach of a business agreement.
  12. Who should be blamed in case of a breach of a contract?
  13. Components of the European Law that can be applied in global business law.
  14. Point out the difference between Russian and Chinese business law.
  15. Responsibilities of a Moot court in shaping global business laws.

Interesting Business Law Paper Topics

When preparing your business law research paper, always give preference to a topic that interests you the most. Working on the business law concepts that you are passionate about will make your research process enjoyable. Listed below is a collection of business law research paper topics that might be interesting to you.

  1. Importance of ensuring fair practices law for businesses
  2. Discuss the leading cause of fraudulent and illegal businesses
  3. Business, business law, and the problems faced in purchasing a commercial lease.
  4. Importance of business law in defining liability responsibilities within a contractual deal.
  5. Examining the use of copyrights and trademarks by corporates.
  6. Impact of business law on the dissemination of commercial licensing.
  7. Discuss the concept of business torts with real-life examples
  8. Discuss the differences, similarities, and interplay between patent, and trade secret
  9. Comparison between the trade secrets laws in the United States and the United Kingdom
  10. How does the Legislature impact the interpretation of Contracts?

Unique Business Law Research Paper Topics

If you wish to prepare an original business law research paper, then concentrate on the topics that are not explored by others. Your assignment will stand top in your class if the topic you have chosen is unique. Find here, a list of unique business law topics to consider for your research paper.

  1. Barring from Anti-Trust Laws- Is it beneficial?
  2. Racial discrimination and Abercrombie.
  3. Workplace accidents- How to treat or deal with them?
  4. Approved action program
  5. Age Discrimination Act and its significance.
  6. Application of Age Discrimination Act at Workplace.
  7. Censorship in Amazon.Com.
  8. Mitigation of sexual harassment legislation in companies.
  9. How to identify bankruptcy fraud?
  10. Collective Bargaining- What is the agreement?
  11. Implications of Collective Bargaining Union.
  12. Should any penalty be imposed on smoking employees?
  13. Limitations on a trade secret- When should confidentiality be reduced?
  14. Is paternity leave eligible for a father?
  15. Analyze fall protection in the construction sector.

Also Read: Why is Plagiarism Illegal by International Laws?

Excellent Business Law Topics for College Students

Do you need the best topics for your law research paper? If yes, then take into account the business law concepts. Listed below are some amazing business law ideas that you can deal with in your research paper.

  1. The Effect of Business Law on Commercial Transactions and Licensing.
  2. Conduct a comparative analysis of two landmark copyright infringement cases considering the context of the United States
  3. Discuss the laws to comply with while doing business in the UK
  4. Evaluate the Antitrust law
  5. Analysis of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  6. Impact of government laws and Regulations on business organizations
  7. Analysis of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
  8. Discuss the laws applicable to international business
  9. Discuss the business laws all Singapore-based companies need to be aware of and comply with
  10. Evaluation of the business laws in India
  11. Provide an in-depth analysis of insights on the distinction between Law Enforcement for Offline and Online Copyright Infringement
  12. Develop an assessment of transaction structure, the function of the director’s guarantee under Corporate Law
  13. Critical analysis of the significance of the Universal Commercial Law Code to the Societies and Business Entities?
  14. Discuss the role of business law in explaining liability responsibilities within contractual agreements
  15. Provide an in-depth analysis and insight into the contract laws concerning the application of verbal agreements and non-verbal agreements

High-Quality Business Law Research Topics

Your chance to get top scores will increase if you prepare your business law research paper on high-quality topics. In case, you run short of premium topic ideas, then make use of the list of exclusive business law research ideas recommended here.

  1. How an Executive’s judicial norms create an impact on business legislation. A
  2. Applying the doctrine of separation on commercial law.
  3. How the High Court and the Court of Appeal does handle business malpractice?
  4. Analyze the ADR principles in legal business battles.
  5. Trademark infringement.
  6. How can an illegal use of a trademark be justified?
  7. Can piracy create an impact on an organization’s profit?
  8. Methods to evaluate legal ways to monitor gambling websites.
  9. Analyze the significance of Trademarks and Copyright rights- How can they fail?
  10. Analyzing the law firms that lack employee motivation.
  11. Steps taken by law firms to create a healthy corporate culture.
  12. Influence of consistency in commercial law internationally,
  13. Origin of global business law.
  14. Explain the peculiarities of a recruitment purchase deal.
  15. How can an international business and transportation law create an impact on the business?

Informative Business Law Research Paper Topics

The business law research paper that you publish should expand the subject knowledge for your readers. So, to prepare your paper, give preference to business law topics that allow you to study from a different perspective and present new information. The following are some informative business law research questions that you may consider.

  1. Role of the oversight committee in detecting fraud in bankruptcy cases.
  2. Discuss the legal ramifications of excluding specific businesses from the anti-law trust.
  3. The necessity to penalize employees for smoking at work.
  4. Discuss the impact of the current legal system and its present procedures on small businesses.
  5. Describe the best way to keep the company solvent without the need for lay-off.
  6. Explain how private lobbyists represent a company’s interest and influence politics.
  7. Discuss the stress of small and mid-size companies, while they partner with big companies.
  8. Analyze the legal impact of grandfathering in rules for apartment buildings.
  9. Organizational crisis management
  10. The Importance of Ethics in Business
  11. What are the characteristics of a good business leader?
  12. What factors might cause employees to act unethically?
  13. The impact of the just-in-time policy on production levels
  14. What advantages do follow-ups have in terms of product marketing and sales?
  15. What constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace?

Instead of working on the frequently discussed business law topics, give preference to the latest topics. When you handle the trending business law research ideas, you may stay updated and get to know about the improvements in the field. These are some trending ideas that can be handled in a business law research paper.

  1. The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Sole Proprietorship
  2. Do wage increases boost productivity?
  3. The impact of social media in today’s business world
  4. The role of advice in driving a company’s sales revenue
  5. The economic impact of trade wars on a country.
  6. Does the guarantee of job retention affect employees’ work rates?
  7. Women in the Business Environment and Leadership
  8. The consequences of war on business
  9. Can a company profit from war?
  10. How to Handle Conflicts in the Workplace

Captivating Business Law Research Topics

Your readers will find your business law research paper boring if you work on less engaging topics. Therefore, to captivate your readers, you may take into account any of these engaging business law research titles.

  1. How does contract law play an important role in learning corporate transactions?
  2. Analyze the impact of tax treaties on cross-border business activities.
  3. Identify the law regulating the peaceful environment in the workplace.
  4. Discuss the legal implications of force majeure clauses in business contracts.
  5. Analyze the impact of corporate governance on business performance.
  6. Discuss the legal implications of open-source software in business.
  7. Vertical restraints in business contracts: legal analysis and enforcement.
  8. Discuss the legal implications of price fixing and bid rigging.
  9. Examine the challenges of regulating global mergers and acquisitions.
  10. Write about tax policy and its impact on business decisions and investment behavior
  11. Judge’s provisions in developing countries- Corruption of business law.
  12. Discuss the impact of the immigration law of a country on businesses operating from that country
  13. Compare and contrast business negotiation and litigation
  14. Mediation: A business law essential
  15. Discuss the types of mediation applied in business

The Bottom Line

From the above-suggested list, choose any topic of your choice and compose a great business law paper. The paper you compose should be informative, original, and well-structured, and should satisfy all the guidelines provided by your university. Most importantly, before you submit the paper, make sure to proofread it several times and rectify if there are any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. The final draft of your paper that is ready for submission should be flawless and should not contain traces of plagiarism to fetch top grades.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 15 minutes

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