
110 Captivating Human Resources Research Topics

Home » 110 Captivating Human Resources Research Topics

Human Resources (HR) is a fascinating subject to study. Typically, this course covers a wide range of important topics including employee management, consistent ways to manage and lead a team, reviewing industry best practices, and much more. However, things get a little difficult for Human Resources Management (HRM) students, when they are required to generate some engaging human resources research topics. This is because the topics they choose should be distinctive and provide adequate scope for significant research and analysis.

Since many students experience difficulties with identifying an ideal topic for their HR research papers, in this blog, we have listed 110 outstanding HR research paper topics and titles as suggested by our experts. If you are wondering how to choose a good human resources research topic, then read this blog. Here, you will get amazing ideas for your HR research paper writing.

Know How to Select a Human Resources Research Topic

Generally, the topic that you pick will play a significant role in the success of your research paper. So, when it comes to writing a human resources research paper, first, make sure to pick an ideal topic by following these steps.

Human Resources Research Topics

Determine your area of interest

In the beginning, put some effort into identifying the human resources research area that you have strong knowledge and interest in. Working on a research topic from a passionate area or theme will help you conduct research with a lot of excitement and satisfaction. The HR research areas that you may consider are recruitment and selection, workplace compliance and safety, risk management, career development, etc.

Conduct a Preliminary Search and Gather Ideas

After finding out your field of interest, conduct a basic search and gather unique human resources research ideas. To collect research topics, you may read the latest credible materials such as magazines, journals, and published research papers that are relevant to the theme you have selected.

Narrow down the list

Once you have collected various human resources research titles, analyze them all and find out whether they have a good research scope and are feasible to complete the research process before the deadline. Never pick HR research topics that have limited or no research scope. Also, narrow down the list by ignoring the research topics that are already discussed and the ones with fewer sources for references.

Perform analysis

Analyze all the shortlisted research ideas and pick a topic that is unique, researchable, and contains a lot of sources and facts to prove a thesis statement. Most importantly, the topic that you give preference should match your university guidelines and align with your needs. Furthermore, the topic you select should allow you to achieve your goal.

Consult with your supervisor

Once you have selected a topic for your human resources research paper, discuss it with your supervisor and get their approval for the topic. By using their experience and subject knowledge, they will share some insights on whether the topic you have chosen will help you create wonders or not.

List of the Best Human Resources Research Topics

In case, you are unsure what human resources research paper topic to choose, take a look at the list published below. The list will provide you with 110 fascinating human resources research topics that are worth exploring.

Simple Human Resources Management Research Topics

Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a key role in an organization’s success. Primarily, HRM deals with a wide range of tasks such as recruiting and employing the right people, offering extensive training and development opportunities, and so on. To prepare your HR research paper, you may concentrate on any of these simple HRM research ideas.

  1. Explain how HR helps companies stay competitive in a global market.
  2. Analyze the most effective team-building strategies.
  3. Suggest a simple and effective way to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
  4. Examine how the agile method helps.
  5. Suggest some best methods for disciplining employees.
  6. Discuss how to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
  7. Explain how to manage international employees.
  8. Analyze the latest innovations in human resource management.
  9. Explain the role of a human resource management system in job selection.
  10. Discuss how to monitor productivity and performance in Human Resource management.

Interesting Human Resources Research Topics

For creating your HR research paper, always give significance to a topic that is interesting to you. Your study process will not appear tedious if you work on the subject you are passionate about. The following are some HR research questions that will allow you to conduct a deep study and write about.

  1. Explain how to manage equal-opportunity employment.
  2. Focus on the steps to improve the long-term retention of employees.
  3. Explain how big data is useful to human resources.
  4. Examine the importance of HRM in the healthcare industry.
  5. Analyze the role of data analytics in ensuring constructive job selection.
  6. Evaluate the satisfaction level of employees in the hospitality sector.
  7. Focus on the key components of recruitment and labor markets.
  8. Elaborate on compliance management in HRM.
  9. Take a look at compensation management in HR management.
  10. Why should HR consider conducting regular audits?

Engaging Human Resources Research Topics

The human resources research paper that you prepare should not be boring and it should grab the attention of your readers. So, it is essential to compose a paper on engaging HR research titles. Listed below are a few human resources research topics that may captivate your readers.

  1. Explain how to prevent unfair discrimination against LGBT+ employees.
  2. Analyze performance appraisal essentials and bonus payments.
  3. Explain the role of HR in helping employees maintain the right work-life balance
  4. Explore the importance of job analysis in HRM.
  5. Explain the role of HR in preventing OSHA violations
  6. Elaborate on the significance of KPI in HR management
  7. Explore the role of HR in ensuring the psychological well-being of employees
  8. Focus on factors that may hinder how HRM works.
  9. How to sustain the odds of employee attrition rate
  10. Explain how to guide employee appraisal in the business.

You may also prepare your human resources research paper on any of the popular topics suggested below. But while you deal with a frequently chosen study topic, analyze the topic from various perspectives and present fresh insights to the readers.

  1. Explain how to handle overqualified employees or applicants.
  2. Discuss the role of HRM in combating sexual harassment in the workplace
  3. Explain how to attract ideal employees.
  4. Examine the risk factors associated with employee retention.
  5. Discuss the pros and cons of 360-degree feedback in HRM.
  6. Elaborate on the 3T’s of leadership competency in HRM
  7. Prepare a research paper on the LMS.
  8. Focus on fun Friday activities and the role of HR
  9. Explore the role of HR in the employee termination process.
  10. How HR can utilize the fullest potential of AR and VR in the workplace?

Human Resources Research Topics on Recruitment

Recruitment is an important part of the human resources (HR) process since it is the first step in identifying and attracting eligible candidates to fill open positions within an organization. In your HR research paper, you may examine and write about any of these study topics on recruitment.

  1. Analyze the importance of recruitment, selection, and training of employees.
  2. Elaborate on the major requirements of recruiting a fresher in an organization
  3. Examine the biggest issues in recruitment and employee selection.
  4. Focus on the best and worst time to recruit a new employee.
  5. Take a look at the best platforms to recruit on.
  6. Analyze how HR evaluates a newly recruited employee.
  7. Suggest best practices for improving employee retention.
  8. Examine the dos and don’ts of criminal background checks.
  9. Explain the selection process in HRM.
  10. Analyze what makes recruitment a vital part of the HR management system.

Also Read: 200 Captivating Human Rights Topics To Consider

HR Research Ideas on Talent Management

Talent management is a strategic approach to human resources that focuses on attracting, developing, and retaining the organization’s most skilled and valued employees. The following are some talent management topics you may consider for writing an HR research paper.

  1. Analyze the principles of talent management in HR.
  2. Prepare a detailed research paper on the onboarding process of employees in a company.
  3. Examine the correlation between performance and talent management.
  4. Elaborate on succession planning with examples.
  5. Take a look at various talent acquisition strategies.
  6. Focus on the talent management approaches followed by MNCs in the USA.
  7. Write about the talent management process in small and medium enterprises.
  8. Explain the role of recruitment in talent management.
  9. Prepare a research paper on corporate talent management.
  10. Focus on different talent management tools.

HR Performance Management and Appraisal Research Topics

HR performance management and appraisal is a critical function that helps companies effectively evaluate, develop, and motivate their employees. Here are some HR performance management and appraisal research ideas you may focus on in your academic paper.

  1. Examine the legalities associated with the process of employee performance management.
  2. Take a look at some good performance appraisal activities and practices
  3. Focus on the different types of performance appraisal slabs in HR management
  4. Explore the role of communication in ensuring a streamlined appraisal cycle.
  5. Describe the benefits of having performance standards.
  6. Prepare a research paper on the link between reward system and performance management
  7. Focus on the essential elements of trait-based appraisals.
  8. Write about the performance appraisal approaches followed by corporate companies.
  9. Examine the impact of on-the-job training on employee performance.
  10. Analyze the advantages and drawbacks of automated performance management systems.

Human Resources Research Topics on Risk Management

Risk management is a vital role of the human resources department because HR professionals are in charge of discovering, assessing, and managing a wide range of potential hazards to an organization and its workforce. If you are curious to analyze risks, then you may focus on any of these study topics on risk management and compose your HRM research paper.

  1. Examine the different types of risks that HR managers have to handle.
  2. Focus on risk management when working from home.
  3. Analyze what role HR takes in risk management.
  4. Explain when HR should take legal action.
  5. Elaborate on the latest trends and practices in risk management.
  6. Write about the risk identification process in the HRM field.
  7. Address the various risks and healthcare issues in the Workplace.
  8. Explain how to identify bullying in the workplace
  9. Focus on HR risk management in the ‘#metoo’ movement.
  10. Explain how to respond to a legal action taken by an employee.

HRM Research Paper Topics on Career Development

Career development is an important part of human resource management that focuses on assisting and directing individuals throughout their professional careers. In your HRM research paper, you may analyze the different aspects of any of these career development topics.

  1. Discuss the key elements of creating leaders among employees.
  2. Explain how career development is beneficial for both employees and companies.
  3. Examine the best approaches and practices for on-the-job training.
  4. Take a look at the professional certification training for employees.
  5. Analyze the pros and cons of leading professional development sessions.
  6. Write about the must-have training and development program for all employees.
  7. Explain how active professional development affects productivity.
  8. Examine the impact of cross-training on organizational efficiency
  9. Focus on the key skills that all employees should develop.
  10. Explain the role and significance of HR management in career development.

Workplace Safety Topics for HR Research Paper

A robust safety program in HRM focuses on a variety of measures designed to protect employees from potential physical and psychological threats. The following are a few study topics on workplace safety you may deal with in your human resources research paper.

  1. Analyze the most critical issues in worker protection and workplace safety.
  2. Examine the effects of not following workplace safety.
  3. Explain how to ensure all employees follow health and safety protocols.
  4. What are the most concerning elements affecting worker protection and workplace safety?
  5. Explore the role of an HR manager in enhancing worker safety and protection standards.
  6. Explain how to build a diverse workplace.
  7. Explain the preventative steps to be taken for workplace hazards.
  8. Discuss how to identify workplace vulnerability in terms of safety and protection.
  9. Explain how to prevent workplace violence.
  10. Examine the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace.

If you want your HR research paper to stand unique in the crowd, then instead of writing about old topics, give preference to any of the below-listed trending HR research ideas. Working on current topics will help your readers stay updated.

  1. Discuss the effects of remote work on employee engagement and productivity.
  2. Address the needs and preferences of Gen Z employees.
  3. Explain the importance of mental health support in the workplace.
  4. Examine the use of data and analytics in HR decision-making.
  5. Discuss the importance of a mobile-friendly recruitment process.
  6. How to manage employee performance using AI
  7. What is the impact of gamification on employee engagement in the workplace?
  8. Investigate how AI-powered chatbots affect HR service delivery.
  9. Analyze the correlation between employee recognition programs and employee motivation.
  10. Examine the effects of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being and organizational performance.

Wrapping Up

From the list recommended above, for preparing your human resources research paper, select any topic you are interested in and have strong knowledge of. Once you have chosen a study topic, conduct extensive research on it and then come up with a plagiarism-free and informative human resources research paper according to your professor’s instructions. Remember, the HR research paper that you compose should prove your thesis statement with the necessary evidence and it should be well-structured. In case, it is challenging for you to choose the right study topic and draft an excellent HR research paper, approach us. The assignment experts from our team with a good understanding of HR-related concepts will assist you with research paper topic selection, writing, and editing based on your specifications.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 12 minutes

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