
200 Captivating Human Rights Topics for Academic Papers

Home » 200 Captivating Human Rights Topics for Academic Papers

If you are a law student, then during your course duration, your professor may ask you to prepare academic papers on human rights topics. Human rights is an interesting field of study that primarily deals with the various set of principles associated with equality and fairness. Mainly, the subject covers the right to life, liberty, speech, work, education, freedom from slavery, torture, and many more.

In case, you are confused about what topic to choose for your human rights research paper, take a look at this blog post. Here, we have suggested the 200 best human rights research questions on different themes. In addition to that, we have also explained how to pick the right topic from a wide range of ideas.

Steps for Choosing a Good Human Rights Research Topic

The first step in creating a human rights paper is the topic selection. Your writing technique may vary depending on the topic you decide to write about because it will determine how you approach this project. Furthermore, the quality of your final work is determined by your topic. If you are having trouble coming up with a good topic for your human rights paper, here are some guidelines to follow.


How to Pick the Best Human Rights Topics



During your hunt for a topic, first, brainstorm for human rights topics. Consider the human rights problems that interest you or the most significant human rights topics in the news. If anything inspires your creativity, research and write about it. Make a list of potential subjects that you can cover.

Select a research area

Choose a topic that appears basic and apparent. Do not make the mistake of choosing an overly specialized subject or settling on a wide topic. At this stage, your topic or research area can be wide but not definitive.

Be Specific

After deciding on a broad theme, get specific. This allows you to assess whether the idea is worth exploring and writing about by the professor’s instructions. This stage could take longer than you anticipate. You may even alter your mind along the process. However, this should not concern you because your decision will simplify the rest of the process.

Define the topic by asking a question

You may require a research topic to contextualize your paper. Define the issue by posing a question about it. This way, you’ll know what facts to seek when researching your issue.

Examine the topic

After you have chosen your topic, conduct some research on it to determine how much material you can use for your paper. Avoid choosing a topic that has no relevant data. Check various information sources, such as journals, books, news sources, and the websites of human rights groups, to see if they contain information relevant to your issue.

List of Human Rights Topics and Ideas

For writing your academic paper, the following list of excellent human rights research ideas on different themes will be helpful to you.

Simple Human Rights Topics

  1. The Right to Healthcare: A Fundamental Human Right. This paper advocates for the establishment of a universal healthcare system in the United States, emphasizing that healthcare is a fundamental human right.
  2. Human Rights as a Critical Component of the Social Structure. Human rights are essential to any social system because they provide standards for individuals based on their needs and preferences.
  3. Causes of payment inequalities based on gender in the U.S.
  4. How does the psychology of healthy adults impact child labor?
  5. What are the U.S.’s most significant LGBT group rights?
  6. Are women inferior intellectually?
  7. What are Canadian servants’ legal rights?
  8. What are the common causes among married couples in the U.S. of physical abuse?
  9. Discuss problems with labor rights in the UAE
  10. What is the history of Child Labour?
  11. Why is men’s leadership different from women’s leadership?
  12. What hinders females’ equal inclusion in leadership roles?
  13. Will marginalized people be permitted at their workplaces?
  14. Speak about women’s rights in Africa
  15. In the UAE, discuss ethnic discrimination.
  16. UN expert urges Tajikistan to leave past behind and uphold freedom of religion and belief – Explain its implications
  17. How the Human Rights Council can uphold and protect the rights of persons with disabilities to ensure community inclusion of these persons
  18. How freedom of religion and belief is manipulated in Middle East, and African countries?
  19. Discuss how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia are suffering from human rights manipulations/violations
  20. Compare and contrast the human rights acts of India and China

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Common Human Rights Topics

  1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Constructivist Perspectives. Constructivist perspectives, more than other methods, explain why an undertaking like the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ever conceivable.
  2. The Civil Society’s Role in Human Rights Realization. This essay examines how civil society organizations work with the government to protect fundamental rights and liberties under various sociopolitical and economic guises.
  3. Does social media play a part in empowering women?
  4. What are the right ways to fix problems with body shaming?
  5. Do parents have an ethical justification for the use of force while children are disciplined?
  6. At the time of the influx of refugees, did the native people have rights?
  7. What is the outlook for human rights in the U.S.?
  8. What are the rights of women in the US and the UK?
  9. Japanese and Chinese interaction in the Second World War.
  10. The civil rights movement: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
  11. The Patriot Act: The Line between safety and human rights
  12. Understanding Human Rights: Labor Rights in a Globalizing World and Gender Rights
  13. Circumcision: Medical, Ethical and Human Rights Issues
  14. The Human Rights Act as a Protection Tool in the UK
  15. Human Rights and Ethnic Groups in American History
  16. It is a violation of human rights to cut the genitals of male babies.
  17. In the interest of a country, is the state permitted to violate human rights at the time of war?
  18. When do men’s as well as women’s rights differ?
  19. Human rights expectations globally
  20. Will human rights be described by particular traditions?

Argumentative Human Rights Essay Topics

  1. Human Rights and Immigration. The essay covers human rights issues concerning immigration and examines whether there are any solutions to improve the position of migrants.
  2. Privacy is a basic human right. Privacy is important because it makes people feel comfortable on public platforms regarding information they don’t want to share with others.
  3. Equal right for all people to free education?
  4. Should the state’s interests take priority over individual rights?
  5. Does democracy work as the most robust human rights security system?
  6. Is possession of pet animals an example of human rights?
  7. Are developing countries accountable in the world for promoting human rights?
  8. When it is the promotion of labor rights, how nice is global trade?
  9. What political regime for the defense of human rights is the best?
  10. Is life imprisonment a civil rights violation?
  11. Is torture justifiable?
  12. The Capitalist System- Does it infringe or protect human rights?
  13. Is the installation in public places of surveillance cameras a breach of human rights?
  14. Can the right to vote be expanded to people in prison?
  15. Is Human Rights violated through the practices of male circumcision?
  16. UN expert urges Tajikistan to leave past behind and uphold freedom of religion and belief – Explain its implications
  17. How the Human Rights Council can uphold and protect the rights of persons with disabilities to ensure community inclusion of these persons
  18. How freedom of religion and belief is manipulated in Middle East, and African countries?
  19. Discuss how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia are suffering from human rights manipulations/violations
  20. Compare and contrast the human rights acts of India and China

Argumentative Essay Topics on Human Rights

  1. Having Children is a Human Right. The enormous importance of parenthood as a notion begs the question of whether people should be entitled to have children as part of their fundamental set of rights.
  2. The universal human rights concept and its difficulties. Human rights are transnational norms that prescribe and define how various nations treat their nationals and inhabitants.
  3. Why is it necessary to eliminate female circumcision practices?
  4. Is it necessary to differentiate Human Rights based on individual traditions?
  5. Is it justified to segregate Human Rights based on gender?
  6. Why or why not should Human Rights laws be suspended during what time?
  7. Does the suspension of Human Rights laws during what time align with the interest of citizens?
  8. Is it possible to establish a similar Human Rights standard for the world as a whole?
  9. How far is privacy guaranteed by social media networking services?
  10. Do immigration laws in Australia violate human rights?
  11. Does the detention of immigrants in Australia violate human rights?
  12. Do the immigration laws of the USA abide by human rights requirements?
  13. How far can democracy help in protecting basic human rights?
  14. Can democracy help in protecting the basic human rights of individuals belonging to different traditions and cultures?
  15. What is the influence of the brutality of the police in the regions of the US?

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Analytical Human Rights Topics for Essays

  1. Social Inequality and Human Rights in the Modern World. This article proposes civil rights as the foundation for improving the major social fields of education, healthcare, and employment possibilities.
  2. The 1807 Abolition Bill: A Continuous Human Rights Struggle. A research inquiry concerns the 1807 Bill’s success in the fight against slavery, as well as its influence on future efforts to combat the issue.
  3. What are the disability rights in the regions of America and the regions of Canada?
  4. Police brutality in the United States. Violence by American police is a major issue in the human rights arena these days and data indicates it’s getting worse
  5. US policy on refugees
  6. Transgender rights in Europe
  7. Disability rights in America.
  8. What human rights are most abused in the workplace, and why?
  9. What’s the connection between ecological issues and human rights?
  10. Analyze the organizational framework of the European Human Rights Commission
  11. Analyze the European Court of Human Rights’ efficacy
  12. Study of Abuses of human rights in the adult film industry
  13. Analyze the object of the European Convention on Human Rights and its principles
  14. How to prevent police abuses of human rights?
  15. Analyze the abuse of children’s rights in Taiwan
  16. How can a state which violates fundamental human rights be fined by the international community?
  17. Analyze human rights abuses in Belarus
  18. Study of Children Deprived of Liberty
  19. Evaluation of Administration of Justice
  20. What is protecting and promoting civic space?

Human Rights Topics on the Civil Rights Movement

  1. Slavery and Human Rights Violations. The piece tells three stories from different historical periods and countries, but they all have one thing in common: greed drives some individuals to abandon all of their human traits.
  2. Civil Rights Movement and Current State of Human Rights. Ending racial discrimination and achieving equal rights for the various ethnic groups found on US territory is a long-standing battle.
  3. Explain conscientious objection to military service
  4. Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development
  5. Relation between human rights and the financial crisis
  6. Analysis of discrimination worldwide
  7. Impact of Human Rights Education and Training
  8. Human Rights and the Modern Labor Movement
  9. What is the right to remain silent?
  10. Can the protection of human rights justify the intervention of the state on the territory of other states?
  11. Should trade with the countries massively violate the human rights prohibited in the USA?
  12. Compare and compare the Act on Human Rights (1998) and the Act on Equality (2010)
  13. Communism and the Pursuit of Political Equality
  14. The Patriot Act concerning safety and human rights
  15. Comparison of motions for human rights and civil rights

 Additional Human Rights Topics on the Civil Rights Movement

  1. Human Rights and Ethnic Groups Throughout American History. The document contends that the United States upholds human rights and minority ethnicities. It addresses American history, including political, economic, and civil rights issues.
  2. Human Rights and Labor Law Violations in Foreign Countries. This discussion delves into the situations in Chile and China, where workers have recently faced violations of labor rules and human rights.
  3. The rights of the convicted
  4. Comparison of women’s rights during the 20th century
  5. The World Wide Declaration of the Rights of Man and Person Compare and Contrast (1789)
  6. Describe human rights and the modern labor movement
  7. Communism as well as the pursuit of political equality
  8. Analysis of the jury of your peers
  9. Human rights treatment in modern cinema
  10. Compare and contrast the Universal Human Rights Declaration as well as how Islam considers human rights
  11. International law and human rights
  12. Compare and contrast human rights abuses in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World novel as well as 1984 by George Orwell
  13. How does apartheid compare to racism as well as contrast with it?
  14. The civil rights movement: Malcolm X as well as Martin Luther King Jr.
  15. What are the similarities as well as differences between civil rights as well as human rights?

Civil Rights Essay Topics

  1. The issue of human rights violations. According to this research, human rights violations continue to be a significant issue. It is vital to align them with existing kinds of human mistreatment.
  2. A form of discrimination and human rights violations. Based on the problem’s importance, models and ways of assisting victims of domestic violence have been established.
  3. Discuss the evolution of the issue of human rights in Hidden Figures
  4. Defines the Human Rights Ombudsman
  5. What is racism against the environment?
  6. Explain why trade in human beings exists
  7. Why are the countries not intervening in the North Korean government’s abuse of human rights?
  8. How does utilitarianism contravene the definition of human rights?
  9. How do human rights organizations in African countries protect human rights?
  10. In some nations, why are LGBT marriages as well as relationships not allowed?
  11. How do individuals join movements for the defense of human rights?
  12. Does viewing pornography constitute a human right?
  13. How should students deal with bullies?
  14. How does technical ability impact obesity?
  15. Best Forms to Tackle Racism.

A Few More Essay Ideas on Civil Rights

  1. Human Trafficking as a Human Rights Violation. Human trafficking is a horrible problem that poses a severe risk to our civilization. It is common knowledge that human trafficking is becoming a more global problem.
  2. The Islamic State and Human Rights. This study provides a reflection and analysis of Islamic culture based on ideas gathered from the film “Islam in America”.
  3.  How to legalize gay marriages?
  4. Does immigration cause severe job problems for the indigenous population? If so, what are they?
  5. Should countries make transitional children?
  6. Discussing the social isolation of patients with HIV/AIDS
  7. The religious value of gay marriages.
  8. Roles of social media in Women’s Empowerment
  9. Issue related to labor rights in the UAE
  10. Human rights of the women in the Islamic country
  11. Human rights issues related to sex workers 
  12. Child labor and associated human rights issues 
  13. Human rights issue in Myanmar
  14. Can prostitution be a profession
  15. Human Rights Issues in Bali Indonesia   

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  1. Government Accountability for Human Rights. This essay describes the laws and agreements that governments utilize as well as their primary role in advancing and defending human rights.
  2. Donald Trump’s policies on poverty and human rights. One of the events related to a significant social issue of poverty in the United States is the United Nations report on extreme US poverty and human rights in the context of Donald Trump’s policies.
  3. Which human rights are most frequently abused at work, and why?
  4. What relationship exists between ecological issues and human rights?
  5. Examine the hierarchical structure of the European Commission for Human Rights.
  6. Examine the European Court of Human Rights’ efficacy.
  7. Examine the adult film industry’s violations of human rights.
  8. Review the objectives and tenets of the European Convention on Human Rights.
  9. Compare and contrast the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1921) with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). (1789).
  10. How do human rights organizations defend human rights in African nations?

Amazing Human Rights Essay Ideas

  1. Recognition of Human Rights for LGBT People. The paper emphasizes the significance of investigating LGBTQ people’s discrimination, including its roots, negative consequences, and current situation.
  2. Human Rights in Brunei: The Impact of Cultural Practices. Human rights and culture are incompatible due to their origins, and in a country like Brunei, Islamic culture will surely impair the rights of women and LGBT+ persons.
  3. Does the restriction on immigration by the USA violate human rights?
  4. Analyze children’s rights violations in Taiwan
  5. Explain how to justify torture
  6. Explain how Eleanor Roosevelt helped in protecting human rights.
  7. Examine the challenges involved in the enforcement of human rights laws.
  8. Explain how to measure human rights violations at an international level.
  9. Discuss how countries can safeguard the human rights of the immigrants.
  10. Analyze the critical human rights law elements.

Fantastic Human Rights Research Topics

  1. The feminist movement asserts that women’s rights are human rights. Women all throughout the world need a voice and equal human rights, as well as recognition for their contributions to society.
  2. Human Rights: A Historical Perspective. Recognizing the worth of human rights ensures that arbitrary behavior will not be permitted and that democracy exists in society.
  3. When do religious beliefs overpower human rights?
  4. Why was the Human Rights Act created?
  5. How effectively does the Human Rights Act 1998 promote?
  6. Discuss the obstacles to human rights to cultural diversity
  7. Write about human rights in the context of armed conflicts.
  8. Discuss environmental justice and its connection to human rights
  9. Write about human rights in times of health crises
  10. How has the Human Rights Act affected parliamentary supremacy?

Unique Human Rights Topics

  1. Fundamental Human Rights Speech. Human rights are simply the entitlement to fundamental rights granted to every individual. We are granted certain rights, which we keep until we die.
  2. Human Rights in China and the United States. Every country has a different approach to human rights. The goal of this article is to discuss the issue of human rights in China and the United States.
  3. Should human rights laws be suspended in times of conflict for the benefit of the populace?
  4. Is it possible to develop a comparable human rights norm on a global scale?
  5. Evaluation of the Human Rights Commission of the European Union’s effectiveness
  6. Analysis of the European Commission for Human Rights organizational chart
  7. evaluating how the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” has been implemented in various continents.
  8. The European Commission for Human Rights mission and guiding principles.
  9. How can a business stay away from nations where human rights are routinely abused?
  10. US policy and international human rights legislation (or a country of your choice).
  11. Mental health treatment can infringe on human rights in some cases: Explain with examples
  12. The Canadian Charter Effectively Protects Our Human Rights: Explain
  13. Muslim women are not enjoying human rights properly: Explain with justifications
  14. Discuss the connection between democracy and human rights
  15. Compare and contrast Criminal Justice and human rights

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The Bottom Line

From the list of outstanding human rights topics and ideas recommended in this blog, pick any topic of your choice and craft a top-score-fetching academic paper. The research paper that you compose should present your arguments from a different perspective. Most importantly, in your paper, you should prove your thesis statement with valid supporting pieces of evidence. Moreover, to fetch top grades, the human rights paper that you submit should be plagiarism-free, flawless, and meet your university’s guidelines. In case, it is hard for you to deal with your human rights research paper, approach us. Our team of law experts will assist you in submitting your human rights assignments in the way you want.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 17 minutes

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