
What are the Different Types of Writing Styles?

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Writing is one of the best forms of human expression. Moreover, writing is also a great communication tool that can used to share ideas and thoughts with others in an interactive manner. Particularly, when writing, through effective usage of words and tone, you can perfectly shape your ideas, and emotions, and create stories. Since there are different types of writing styles available, you should have to pick the correct style depending on your requirements or needs. No matter, whether you are a wordsmith or a budding writer, you should be aware of the diverse writing styles.

In case, you have no idea about the different types of writing styles, take a look at this blog. Here, we have presented the nuances, purposes, and techniques of each writing style. Also, we have explained how to identify your preferred writing style.

Continue reading and update your knowledge of various writing styles.

What is a Writing Style?

Writing style is a technique of expressing ideas in language that is suitable to a person, period, school, or country. In simple terms, writing style refers to how the writers narrate their ideas to a particular group of audience or with a specific goal in mind. Basically, in addition to spelling, syntax, and punctuation, writing style focuses on the choice of words, tone, sentence structure, and paragraph structure used to express content effectively.

The main aim of a writing style is to express a message simply, convincingly, and clearly to the readers and keep them engaged. Starting from persuasive to subjective writing, there are different types of writing styles available. But each writing style serves a specific purpose and hence the authors will have to choose the appropriate style based on their work type.

Different Types of Writing Styles


Are you curious to know the various kinds of writing styles? Well, in this section, let us learn about the different types of writing styles with examples.

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1. Narrative Writing

Narrative Writing is a written form of storytelling. This style mainly displays the entire journey from the beginning to the conclusion or a part of it. It need not be fictional. The narrative writing style can be a description of a real-life occurrence from the author’s life or any other people or object.

In narrative writing, you can present detailed descriptions of situations. For instance, you can include acts, conflicts, and resolutions between characters, descriptions of events that teach life lessons, and so on.

Particularly, when using this style of writing, as an author, you can develop a character and tell the story from your point of view using the first-person perspective. Here, you can use dialogue to display the interaction between the main character and other secondary characters.

Narrative writing is the best for creative and fiction writing. Some common examples of narrative writing are short stories, presentations, speeches, novels, creative essays, anecdotes, memoirs, etc.

2. Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing is one common style of writing that describes in detail an event, person, or place. This style will make the readers feel as if they are present in that situation. The ultimate aim of this writing style is to create an image or visual in the minds of the readers through appropriate words and tone.

For descriptive writing, you must prefer using the first-person point of view, and emotional tone. Also, you can write descriptions using all five senses. Mostly, to improve the reading experience, you can liberally use adverbs and adjectives in descriptive writing. Even, depending on your work, you can use either similes or metaphors. Especially, by presenting descriptions of this kind, you can elevate your writing style to reach deeper into the readers’ minds.

The descriptive writing is the best for creative writing. Some examples of descriptive writing are poetry, journals, fictional stories, narrative non-fiction, copywriting, etc.

3.  Expository Writing

The primary aim of expository writing is to explain or educate the readers about a certain topic. Therefore, this writing style focuses on teaching rather than entertaining or persuading the readers.

This type of writing usually addresses all questions the readers have regarding the subject that is in discussion. Typically, expository writing will answer questions such as who, what, when, where, why, and how.

It is a kind of objective writing style that does not display the personal opinions of the author. Moreover, instead of having an agenda, when using this writing style, you need to state facts to inform the reader using a third-person perspective. Particularly, with this form of writing, you can draw the reader’s attention to something indisputable and concretely demonstrated.

The expository writing is the best for explaining a particular subject or topic. Some examples of expository writing are textbooks, how-to articles, training materials, scientific writing, manuals, editorial writing, recipes, FAQ pages, etc.

4. Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is a kind of academic writing that aims to convince the readers or make them accept the authors’ thoughts and ideas. This writing style can be chosen when the author has a strong opinion on a particular thing or if the author wishes to encourage people to take action on an issue.

Usually, with a simple statement or an empty argument, the readers cannot be convinced. Therefore, as an author, you should back up every statement that you make up with proper facts, testimonials, or textual evidence.

This is a subjective kind of writing. Hence, you can very well use your emotions or personal feelings to convince the readers and make them accept your idea or thought. Additionally, to improve the quality of your written work, you can also possibly include counter-arguments. Especially, while presenting your opinions in this writing style, you can use either a first or third-person point of view.

Mostly, persuasive writing is the best for non-fiction and rarely for fiction. Certain examples of persuasive writing include editorials, essays, newspaper opinions, sales writing, cover letters, letters of recommendation, reviews, etc.

5.  Creative Writing

Creative writing is a kind of writing style that breaks the structure of all the existing styles. The primary aim of this writing style is to narrate a story in a new way and surprise the readers.

Informally, creative writing is the art of creating new things. Creative writing can also be defined as a type of writing that demands the author’s creativity because this does not require the author to adhere to a certain format. In creative writing, the authors have complete freedom to express their thoughts or ideas to the reader in any manner.

The creative writing style is a talent that can be refined with practice and investment of time. Most importantly, in recent times, creative writing is a valuable professional skill that may provide an individual an advantage when applying for a job in a related field.

Creative writing is the best for out-of-the-box thinking. Some examples of creative writing include screenwriting, biographies, scriptwriting, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, etc.

6. Objective Writing

Objective writing is a writing style in which a statement or an argument should be backed by facts and evidence. This writing style focuses on presenting scientific and statistical information accurately. The author must maintain objectivity so that readers can generate their own opinions.

Typically, this writing style is fact-driven and hence it should not contain any emotive elements. The author is required to maintain things straight and not to exaggerate them as they are explained. Due to this condition, an objective writing style is considered fair and accurate without bias.

This style is the best for formal writing that requires a neutral point of view about an issue or a thought. This writing style suits well for academic work, assertive text, etc.

7. Subjective Writing

Subjective writing is a type of writing style that expresses the author’s beliefs, preferences, points of view, feelings, and opinions on many topics. Like objective writing, the author need not bother about the accuracy of the work in subject writing.

This writing style is believed to be derived from the author’s personal experiences and observations of the world around them. The subjective writing style is crucial because it aids in the development of a bond between the author and the reader. In this writing style, as the author’s ideas are presented, it helps readers gain insight into the writer’s psyche. The preferred perspective for this style is first-person.

The subject writing style suits well for opinionated work. Some examples of subject writing are blogs, travelogues, etc.

8. Review Writing

As the name implies, review writing is a type of writing in which one reviews a restaurant, cuisine, products, literature, or movies.

This writing style has gained more popularity in the age of digitalization. Particularly, nowadays, people never purchase an item or book a holiday restaurant without first reading a review online. Therefore, several brands and companies, pay people to write positive reviews about their products or services to promote sales.

Review writing requires excellent persuasive and descriptive writing skills and is best for creating reviews for various things. Some examples of book review writing include book reviews, movie reviews, product reviews, etc.

9. Poetic Writing

Poetic writing is a literary writing style in which the author combines rhyme, rhythm, and meter to communicate a tale or message. It is a broad writing style that majorly uses rhythmic structure and essential poetic devices like similes and metaphors.

At times, poetic writing requires certain poetic components to make the content look smoother and more continuous. Especially, with poetic elements, a vibrant image can be created for the readers’ enjoyment.

Poetic writing suits the best for fiction. Some examples of poetic writing include poetry, novels, short stories, plays, etc.

10.  Technical Writing

Technical writing entails writing about a specific topic that is accurate and logical. It is mostly used for scientific purposes because it is fact-driven.

This writing style is precise and employs facts and numbers that are objective and non-emotive. Its only aim is to inform or educate the readers.

Technical writing is best for preparing educational texts and professional documents. Some common examples of technical writing include user manuals, medical articles, etc.

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Here, let us look at a few other popular types of writing styles.

Academic Writing

Academic writing is an honorable ambassador of knowledge. It is a formal style of writing that is used in scholarly publications by researchers and educators. Mainly, it focuses on logical reasoning and event-based arguments to help readers understand a subject.

This writing style is mainly used to identify and analyze a topic, as well as to present a hypothesis or reasoned conclusion. Often, depending on their expertise, professionals may employ academic writing in a variety of ways.

Academic writing is the best for educational purposes. Some common examples of academic writing include research papers, dissertations, scholarly articles, etc.

Journalistic Writing

Journalistic writing is a writing style that is used to report on news items in a wide range of media types. Short, uncomplicated words and paragraphs that provide an objective narrative based on fact are obvious elements of this writing style.

In journalistic writing, facts will be delivered straightforwardly. This writing style is an art of clarity and immediacy.

Some examples of journalistic writing are newspapers, magazines, online news articles, etc.

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Business Writing

Business writing is one of those writing styles in which the text will be brief and to the point. This writing style focuses on meeting the needs of the reader or addressing pertinent queries with supporting facts and evidence.

It is strongly advised that while using this writing style, the meaning and objective of the content be conveyed in the first sentence only. The sentences should be short and to the point.

Business writing is the best for formal communications. Some examples of business writing are formal emails, client proposals, etc.


In today’s world, blogging is one of the most popular sorts of writing styles. With the progress of technology, blogging has developed as a one-stop destination for several content types.

Blogging is the least formal tone in writing, with plain and simple phrase patterns and brief paragraphs. This is done to make the material simpler to read and understand.

For a personal type of writing and opinionated pieces, blogging is the best. A blog on health and wellness, a blog on digital marketing, etc. are some examples of blogging.

Entertainment Writing

As the name suggests, entertainment writing is one of the several genres of writing in which the writer attempts to amuse the readers. This does not necessarily imply that it is used to describe a happy moment. It can amusingly explain a tragedy.

Among the different types of writing styles, entertainment writing has the most number of readers because of the content it presents.

Entertainment writing is the best for appreciating an event or a show. Some examples of entertainment writing include movie scripts, storylines, short stories, etc.

How to Select the Appropriate Writing Style for Your Work

If you are confused about what writing style to choose for your work, then keep in mind the following tips.

  1. First, have a clear understanding of your requirements and choose a relevant writing style. For example, you can use a persuasive writing style while sharing your political opinion on an issue.
  2. Keep an eye on the nature of the work. It can be either formal or informal and so depending on that select your writing style. For instance, you can use objective writing for formal work.
  3. If you are a budding writer, then update your writing skills by using simpler sentences and words that you are familiar with.
  4. Use the right tone to make it easy for your readers to understand what you have written and why you have written. Some examples of tone are sarcastic, ironic, excited, etc.
  5. Concentrate on the mood depending on the topic you are writing about. The mood can be optimistic, humorous, pessimistic, etc.

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Hopefully, by now, you will have gained a good knowledge of the different types of writing styles. If you are asked to submit an academic paper or any other type of paper, then depending on your requirements, use an appropriate writing style and craft an excellent piece of work. In case, you lack writing skills and are unsure how to frame content using different styles of writing, contact us right away.

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