
185 Latest Dissertation Topics on Various Academic Disciplines

Home » 185 Latest Dissertation Topics on Various Academic Disciplines

A dissertation or thesis is an academic paper that students who are pursuing their graduate, postgraduate, or doctorate submit to obtain their graduation in a particular field study. To prepare a successful dissertation a good topic is necessary. On the internet, you can find plenty of outstanding dissertation topics and ideas on different disciplines.

In case, you are struggling to find an ideal topic for your dissertation, then don’t worry, you are at the right destination. Especially, to assist you, below we have compiled a list of the latest dissertation topics and ideas on various academic subjects. Also, we have shared our insights on how to select the right dissertation topic. Keep on reading this blog post to learn more about dissertation writing.

What is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is an academic paper that is composed based on original research. In detail, the paper contains all the experimental results and findings as a response to a specific dissertation topic or research question. Typically, a dissertation focuses on presenting the original hypothesis.

Remember, the dissertation length is not fixed; it will vary depending on the academic level and the country. But on average, the expected dissertation length for the undergraduate level is 10,000-12,000 words, around 15,000-25,000 words for the master level, and more than 50,000 words for the Ph.D. level.

In general, dissertations are classified into two types namely Empirical Dissertations and Non-empirical dissertations. A non-empirical dissertation deals with existing data and results of other academic works whereas an empirical dissertation collects data by conducting any lab experiment or a particular research method.

Like other academic papers, the dissertation also follows a standard writing approach and format. Some important chapters that a standard dissertation contains are a title, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussions, conclusion, references, and appendices.

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How to Choose a Good Dissertation Topic

Here, let us see how to select a dissertation topic. Especially, during the topic selection for your dissertation, make sure to follow the below-mentioned tips.

  1. Always choose a topic from a research area that you are interested in and have strong knowledge of.
  2. The topic should be relevant. So, better perform initial research and see whether the topic you have selected is already discussed or not.
  3. Select a topic with scientific significance and a good scope for further academic studies or future career goals.
  4. Choose a topic that has practical significance.
  5. Give preference to the topic that allows you to conduct in-depth research and contains several sources of reference.
  6. Go with the dissertation topic that corresponds to a specific structure.
  7. Pick a unique topic that emphasizes a new issue and has enough research data.
  8. Avoid selecting a topic that is too vast or too specific. Narrow down the topic, if it is too broad to cover within the deadline.
  9. Select a topic that supports you to generate inspiration or emotion in the readers’ minds.
  10. Finalize the topic only if it satisfies the dissertation writing guidelines and instructions shared by your professor or university.

Where to Find Dissertation Ideas?

To find a good topic for your dissertation, you can do any of these.

  • Check the most recent works in your field.
  • Study the dissertation work of your colleagues.
  • See the topics discussed at the latest scientific conferences.
  • Consult your advisor.

Besides all these, you can also take a look at reputed online websites or journals published by renowned authors.

List of Dissertation Topics and Ideas

For your convenience, here, we have shared a list of the best dissertation topics in various fields such as education, science, management, nursing, law, and so on. Explore the entire list and spot a dissertation topic that is comfortable for you to research and write about.

Dissertation Topics in Education

In your education dissertation, you can write about any topics that are related to special education, secondary education, or early childhood education. But the choice is entirely yours; you may focus on higher education or educational institutions as well. Here are some specific dissertation ideas that might be useful to you, if you are studying education.

  1. Study whether educational games promote better learning or not.
  2. Present the benefits of play breaks for learning.
  3. How to integrate children with autism into the classroom.
  4. The role of homework in the lives of immigrant adolescents.
  5. Research the influence of the internet on the emotional maturity of students.
  6. The impact of technology on student learning.
  7. Do mobile apps enhance education?
  8. Analyze whether learning existentialism causes suicides or not.
  9. Why do students choose foreign countries for their higher education?
  10. Pros and cons of homeschooling.
  11. Analysis of the Impact of the Internet on the student’s Education and social life
  12. Why all educational institutions must have harassment prevention protocols for new and younger students?
  13. How to use virtual reality technologies for the education assessment of students?
  14. Discuss the genesis of the cultural foundations for classical university education
  15. Interactive techniques to develop motivation among students to study foreign languages

Nursing Dissertation Topics

Nursing is a broad discipline that contains a wide range of research topics to consider for writing a dissertation. In case, you are a nursing student, then for your final assignment, you may very well prepare your dissertation on any of the topics suggested here.

  1. What should be the methodological and scientific support to provide to teachers for their professional and personal development in educational institutions?
  2. What is the role of nurses in handling dementia patients?
  3. Discuss the associated risks of teen pregnancy.
  4. Study the various theories in nursing.
  5. Describe the specifics of nursing in rural areas.
  6. How to cope with food refusal among older patients.
  7. Research the modern nursing approaches to providing safe medical care.
  8. Analyze the challenges of asthma management for nurses.
  9. How to treat injuries in diabetic patients.
  10. What are the specifics of pain management in obstetrical nursing?
  11. What is the role of the nurses in rehabilitation after cardiac surgery?
  12. Compared and contrast the role of a registered nurse and a staff nurse
  13. Discuss the essential responsibilities of a nurse
  14. Analyze the importance of knowing about a patient’s psychology for nurses
  15. Discuss the pros and cons of online nursing programs

Law Dissertation Topics

As there are different areas of law to study, for preparing your dissertation, you may easily come up with some unique topics. For instance, in your law dissertation, you may write about consumer behavior, various legislation, and much more. The following are some original law topics that may inspire you to write a great dissertation.

  1. Explain the principles behind the formulation of international criminal law.
  2. Analyze the social and economic benefits of same-sex marriage legalization.
  3. Have a closer look at the criminalization of violence against women.
  4. Analyze the rise of cybercrimes and their punishments.
  5. How to monitor the legal issues of online data collection.
  6. Analyze the reform of homicide laws.
  7. Write about digital communities and intellectual property laws.
  8. Discuss the legal ways to prevent marriages without consent.
  9. Research the history of the death penalty.
  10. Write about the separation and division of financial assets.
  11. Discuss the environmental laws broken by companies.
  12. Explain race discrimination in the modern law system.
  13. Discuss the importance of precedent in international human rights court hearings.
  14. Explain the legislation on immigrants and refugees.
  15. Discuss the importance of contract law for small businesses.

MBA Dissertation Topics

Are you an MBA student seeking the best dissertation ideas? If yes, then get help from the list recommended below. In the list, we have included several research topics on business management and marketing you may take into account for preparing your MBA dissertation.

  1. Analyze the effects of online advertising and marketing on adolescents.
  2. Research and discuss modern individual investment strategies.
  3. What are the effects of social media on customer behavior?
  4. How does globalization affect small businesses?
  5. Research the benefits of robots in production industries.
  6. Explain how to build brand awareness for small companies.
  7. Analyze whether risk-based management in the banking sector is profitable or not.
  8. Study the difference between E-business and Traditional business.
  9. Explain how the new technologies help modern businesses.
  10. Research and find out whether online marketing is effective for technological start-ups or not.

Dissertation Ideas on Management and Marketing

Do you need unique marketing and management dissertation ideas? Explore the list published below. We have added numerous research ideas related to marketing and management to the list for you to get started.

  1. Explain the influence of HR policies on employee job satisfaction.
  2. How to manage client relationships in the financial sector.
  3. Explain the role of big data in marketing.
  4. What are the best leadership styles for SMEs?
  5. Discuss the human resource management challenges in MNCs.
  6. How to improve the organization’s competitiveness.
  7. Discuss the Google Analytics insights for marketing campaigns.
  8. How to create and promote a domestic geo-brand.
  9. Compose a case study on the management of a family-owned business.
  10. Discuss the effective ways to integrate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices.
  11. Explore the link between marketing strategies and sales.
  12. Explain the role of visual merchandising in e-commerce.
  13. Research and write about influencer marketing.
  14. How to improve an organization’s pricing strategy.
  15. Analyze the effects of reward systems on employee performance.

Business Dissertation Topics

For creating a business management dissertation, several topics and sub-topics are available. Especially, to make the dissertation topic selection easier for students pursuing a degree related to businesses, here, we have published some relevant study ideas.

  1. How do natural disasters affect the demand for essentials?
  2. Study the connection between a company’s success and innovation.
  3. Analyze the environmental problems in international business.
  4. Explain how fluctuation in the stock market affects business operations.
  5. Discuss workplace ethics in small businesses.
  6. What are the main strategies that attract foreign investment?
  7. Present the benefits of global and local brand management.
  8. Research the business challenges of international companies.
  9. What factors determine employees’ work satisfaction?
  10. How does gender equality influence business management?
  11. Explain the role of small and medium-sized companies in international business.
  12. Discuss the impact of economic globalization on the development of any industry.
  13. Discuss the export potential of small and medium-sized businesses in a specific country.
  14. Analyze the impact of the regime of sanctions in modern international business on a specific industry or a company.
  15. Discuss the experience from around the world in boosting competitiveness using one particular nation as an example.

Ecology Dissertation Ideas

Due to the ever-increasing global population, the greenhouse effect, environmental pollution, and other issues, environmental conservation is crucial these days. In your ecology dissertation, you may concentrate on any of these research ideas and problems related to the environment.

  1. How does tourism destroy the planet’s best places?
  2. Research the dynamics of industrial pollution.
  3. Discuss the effective ways to reduce pollution using new biodegrading technologies.
  4. How to improve domestic wastewater treatment at the enterprise using technology.
  5. What is the impact of nuclear disasters on flora and fauna?
  6. Explain the importance of public ecology education in the reduction of human pollution.
  7. Explain the non-human reasons for species extinction.
  8. Share the effective ways to manage plastic waste.
  9. Discuss the ecological history of water and soil pollution by industrial plants.
  10. How to detect and extinguish forest fires.
  11. Reforestation after clear-felling.
  12. Explain the changes in the acidity of precipitation upon contact with the urban environment
  13. Assess the anthropogenic impact on the state of atmospheric air based on integrated background monitoring.
  14. Explain the structure and activity of the bodies of the federal system of search and rescue.
  15. Develop a solution to create a safe environment.

Finance Dissertation Ideas

The financial sector is continuously changing and so in your finance dissertation, you may write about any topics reflecting it. In case, you are clueless about what finance topic to select for your dissertation, the list of research ideas suggested below might be useful to you.

  1. How to prevent crises in the financial market
  2. Tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise
  3. Discuss the specifics of accounting and the system of internal control in the construction business
  4. Research and Write about financing public investment.
  5. Determine the value of a startup using a disruptive business model.
  6. Assess financial markets for compliance with the signs of a financial bubble using effective methodologies.
  7. Discuss Government regulation of the rehabilitation of credit institutions in the United States
  8. How to improve efficiency in international business with International outsourcing
  9. Using modern methods to assess the financial potential of a company
  10. How to maintain the financial stability of the enterprise at various stages of its lifecycle

Computer Science Dissertation Topics

In this section, we have published a list of interesting topics to consider for preparing a computer science dissertation. If you are curious to compose a well-researched computer science dissertation, then you may give preference to any topic from the list compiled here.

  1. Develop a model for secure communication via a USB interface.
  2. Reengineering of business processes
  3. Software verification algorithms
  4. Develop a mobile application for civil servants.
  5. A simulation between nodes in a social network
  6. Modeling in the BehaviorSim library
  7. Automated control systems
  8. Develop a mobile phone control interface based on an eye-tracking system.
  9. Determine the size of the embedded message in the steganography least significant bit replacement algorithm.
  10. Explain how to manage integrations between communication technologies and IoT solutions in the municipality

Architecture Thesis Topics

Architecture is the science of creating and designing buildings or entire systems of structures that comprise the spatial environment required for human life and activity. The following are some unique architecture thesis topics on which you may compose an excellent dissertation, after a deep study.

  1. Explain different methods in construction.
  2. Form an accessible environment for people with limited mobility.
  3. Write about the Specificity of forms and designs of built-in furniture of the early 20th century
  4. Explain the construction of berthing facilities in permafrost conditions
  5. Discuss the new technologies in construction.
  6. Explain the principles of organizing the environmental design of residential courtyards
  7. Research and write about the applications of information modeling technology at the stage of building operation.
  8. Discuss the Influence of cyclic loading on the fatigue limit of metal structure elements.
  9. Write about New technologies in the construction of trunk pipelines such as oil and gas pipelines.
  10. Explain the Development of Western European architecture in the post-war period.

Political Science Thesis Ideas

Political science is the study of a particular area of human existence that is concerned with power dynamics, the state-political structure of society, political institutions, norms, and principles, all of which have an impact on how well society functions and how individuals interact with the state. Here are some political science dissertation ideas for you to begin with.

  1. Analyze the features of the political systems of modern unrecognized states.
  2. Explain the role of soft power in US foreign policy.
  3. Discuss the threats to EU security amid the confrontation between the US and Russia
  4. Write about Symbolic politics in modern information warfare.
  5. Develop managerial competencies in the civil service system.
  6. Explain the role of Internet technologies in the electoral process in the United States.
  7. Discuss the role of soft power in US foreign policy.
  8. Analyze the problem of meritocracy and democracy in the political discourse of modern China.
  9. Explain the priorities of state cultural policy in the field of project management
  10. Analyze the impact of international megaprojects on the development of interstate relations.

Psychology Dissertation Topics

For preparing your psychology dissertation, you may give significance to any of the research questions that are shared here. By creating a successful dissertation, you may showcase your potential in psychology research and land a prestigious job.

  1. Explain how meditation can reduce depression.
  2. How abuse can affect child development?
  3. Analyze various parenting styles and their effects on children.
  4. Find out the reasons for the rise in teenage suicides.
  5. Analyze the psychology of religion.
  6. Study the psychology of racism and ways to combat it.
  7. Discuss the multi-dimensional nature of schizophrenia.
  8. How miscarriages can affect the mental health of a couple?
  9. Write about transgender mental health.
  10. Conduct a comparative analysis of the plasticity of the child’s brain and the adult brain.
  11. Suggest career strategies for women leaders in creative industries.
  12. Discuss the correlation between the level of anxiety and adaptability of foreign students
  13. Psychological methods of preventing stress in professional activities
  14. Analyze the features of self-esteem and communication skills among representatives of different professions.
  15. Examining the Personal characteristics of convicts undergoing compulsory treatment.

Economics Dissertation Topics

In this section, we have shared a list of fascinating economics dissertation ideas. If you are an economics student, then for your final assignment, from the list, pick any topic that is comfortable for you to analyze and write about.

  1. Explain how gender studies influence economic theories.
  2. Discuss the influence of information technologies on the global economy.
  3. Analyze the issues with foreign exchange systems.
  4. Explain how economic forecasting impacts business.
  5. Discuss the political-economic effects of Brexit on the UK.
  6. How does franchising contribute to the global economy?
  7. Research the supply and consumer demand ratio in the modern beauty industry.
  8. Discuss how China’s production influences the global economy.
  9. Explain how geographical location influences the food industry.
  10. How does oil consumption influence the global economy?

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Dissertation Ideas on Educational Leadership

This sector is rapidly evolving and so, instead of waiting for the experts, you may develop creative models of pedagogical (or educational) systems on your own. Listed below are some educational leadership topics you may give preference to for creating a dissertation.

  1. Support for the professional and personal growth of teachers in educational institutions is provided through scientific and methodological research.
  2. Prepare aspiring educators to employ statistical techniques in their professional endeavors.
  3. Work with the country’s young subcultures in a pedagogical capacity.
  4. Model for managing the quality of educational activities among students using an adaptive approach to teaching.
  5. The educational theories of W. Klafki and how German teaching has evolved as a result.
  6. The ability of the teacher to experiment with new activities is a factor in the reversal of professional conservatism
  7. Pedagogical ideas of liberal education by J. G. Newman.
  8. In the late XX and early XXI centuries, general education both domestically and abroad was modernized.
  9. Monitor teachers’ professional abilities when the educational paradigm changes.
  10. Discuss Joseph Neef’s pedagogical concept.

Medical Dissertation Ideas

Are you looking for the best medical topics for preparing your dissertation? If so, then make use of the list published below. In the list, we have included a few latest medical research topics that are inspiring for you to craft an informative dissertation.

  1. Discuss the influence of Gut bacteria on Obesity.
  2. Compare the effectiveness of the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  3. Write about cystic fibrosis pathophysiology.
  4. Discuss the gene therapy applications in Hemophilia.
  5. Write about precision medicine in Oncology.
  6. Conduct a literature review of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems.
  7. Discuss artificial intelligence in radiology.
  8. Write about advanced wound healing technologies.
  9. Investigate Autism spectrum disorders.
  10. Discuss the integrative approach to chronic pain management.

Wrapping Up

For your final assignments, from the list suggested above, choose any dissertation topic relevant to your field of study and begin working on it. Once you have selected a topic, conduct extensive study on it and then prepare a well-structured dissertation as per your university guidelines. Remember, the dissertation that you compose should be unique and informative to your readers. Most importantly, the final draft of your dissertation that is ready for submission should be plagiarism-free and flawless. In case, it is challenging for you to prepare a dissertation, approach us immediately. Our team contains several PhD-certified scholars on various subjects. By using their expertise, they will help you in completing your dissertation on any subject as per your needs.

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