
230 Intriguing Journalism Research Topics and Ideas

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One of the difficult tasks that call for a great deal of creativity is selecting a novel topic for a research project on journalism. If you are pursuing a course in communication or media studies, then often your professors will ask you to submit an academic paper on interesting journalism research topics. Journalism is a wide discipline that mainly deals with the collection and distribution of information to several media channels such as radio, TV, newspapers, and social media. Currently, would you have to write a research paper on journalism concepts? Are you looking for the best research ideas on journalism? Read this blog post to get the best and most persuasive journalism research themes that will help you improve your grades.

Tips for Choosing a Good Journalism Research Topic

The first step you can’t skip when you are asked to write a journalism research paper is choosing a topic. In general, there are a plethora of original journalism research topics and concepts to choose from; however, the real challenge lies in selecting one particular journalism topic from all of them. As a result, to assist you all, here, we have provided a few helpful tips for choosing a topic.

  • Choose an interesting subject: The study topic ought to be interesting and instructive for you and your readers. So, always choose a topic from the journalism research area that piques your interest. When you work on a title that is exciting for you, your research process will not appear stressful to you.
  • Narrow down your focus: Avoid picking topics that are too broad because they could take a long time to complete. If your subject is too broad, limit it to a specific research question that you can easily write about by the deadline.
  • Deal with unique topics: Rather than picking the frequently talked about journalism research topics, go with the ideas that spotlight exceptional issues that are new for the readers to learn and comprehend.
  • Consider topics with supporting materials: The research ideas you pick ought to support broad examination and contain credible sources for reference. So, give preference only to the topic that has enough materials to support your claims.
  • Get feedback from a mentor: The research paper topic that you select should be original, specific, and meaningful. Before finalizing a topic, discuss it with your instructor and get their approval. Their guidance may help you to improve the quality of your work.

List of the Best Journalism Research Topics

Find here, some interesting and informative Journalism research ideas on various categories.

Research Topics on News

News is the most popular and direct aspect of journalism. Journalist in this area shares the facts in the way they receive them. Here, find a few interesting journalism research paper topics related to news.

  1. What is the future of journalism?
  2. Has the true era of journalism come to an end?
  3. Can you consider, blogging and social media as the future of journalism?
  4. Does a media house follow a propaganda model?
  5. Analyze the journalism practice in different countries.
  6. Journalism and privacy- Explore the association between a royal family and British journalism.
  7. Impact of journalism on Henry Meghan’s lifestyle change.
  8. Business and journalism- What is the limit of media?
  9. Purpose of journalism- Informing the public to make money.
  10. How can a media house reduce its quality to drive the interest of the shareholders?

Political and Investigative Journalism Research Topics

Investigative journalism is a segment of journalism that can unveil the reality behind an issue, person, or event. Make sure that the information you distribute is based on facts because that is the essence of political and investigative journalism.

Investigative Journalism

Check out below to find some attention-seeking research topics on investigative journalism:

  1. Media and image- How can media transform the negative image of a country in front of the world?
  2. Media and powerful politicians.
  3. The role played by the media is to keep an eye on the politicians.
  4. Drawbacks of investigative journalism.
  5. Case study of the journalists- The impact of investigative journalism.
  6. Steps taken by the media houses to maintain the safety of investigative journalists.
  7. Impact of media in developing countries.
  8. How did politics create an impact on developing countries?
  9. Politicians always make promises that they don’t meet- Analyze the statement.
  10. The role of media in making the USA the superpower that it is today.
  11. Politics and corruption- How can you create a link between the two?
  12. Women journalists in media: How are women journalists treated in the world?
  13. What are the benefits of employing women journalists and the challenges faced by these women journalists in media?
  14. Develop a comparative analysis of the quality, significance, and role of journalism in developed and developing countries
  15. Critical analysis of the role played by the news journalists at the time of India’s struggle for independence

Film and Animation Journalism Research Topics

The film, action, and camera- How often do you come across the three golden words, and does this sound interesting to you? Film journalism is mostly about writing featured articles and news about movies. Also, it includes interviews with people from the film industry and writing reviews about movies. Here, find the top 5 interesting Film Journalism Research Topics

  1. Depiction of violence in Hollywood- What impact did it create on the youth?
  2. What is the role of race and religion in Hollywood?
  3. How are Arabic men portrayed in Hollywood movies?
  4. Hollywood versus Bollywood- Impact on Economy and Culture.
  5. Is television more popular than movies or is it vice-versa?

Developmental Journalism Research Topics

Development is a vital part of our world. Developmental journalism talks about beliefs, events, and policies that can enhance your life. Moreover, this journalism segment is very wide because it covers every aspect in which human life can be improved. Here, we have created a list of a few developmental journalism research topics on which you can write your assignments.

  1. Is education a dream for children in poor countries?
  2. Can the media deal with illiteracy issues in developing countries?
  3. How can the media assist in reducing defilement, FGM, and rape cases in different countries?
  4. Poverty is still at its peak in developing countries- What solution can the media provide?
  5. Explain the reasons behind the media headlines that ended with an unquestionable question mark

Sports Journalism Research Topics

Your research can identify the convenience with which you will be writing your dissertation. Sports journalism will provide outstanding ideas making the whole writing process fun and entertaining for you.

Scroll down to identify ways in which you can make your sports journalism research paper compelling:

  • Choose a trendy topic so that your journalism research paper is compelling to read.
  • Selecting journalism research topics would give you an outstanding opportunity to analyze sports trends.
  • Consider selecting a topic that can range from sportsmen to sportswomen, coverage of tournaments, and club ownership.
  • Always prefer to choose sports journalism research topics that would sound interesting to you as you have to impress your audience.
  • Find the research areas that need further investigation so that you don’t have to start from scratch. You can easily select an area to write your sports journalism research paper.
  • You should seek the advice of your mentor when selecting your topic because they know your interests and potential.

Latest Sports Journalism Research Topics

  1. Shareholders, fans, or players- Who is interested in the club?
  2. Application of painkillers on the injured players.
  3. Coach versus Shareholders- Who can manage the club?
  4. How can economic problems influence sports coverage?
  5. Racial discrimination in sports.
  6. Looking beyond the sporting field.
  7. Team or player- Whom should you cover?
  8. Investigating the life of sportsmen and women.
  9. Male or female athletes- What gives you better coverage?
  10. Sports coverage and brand protection.

Entrancing Sports Journalism Research Topics

  1. Would it be advisable to cover physically challenged athletes?
  2. Importance of protecting the decency of sports players during media coverage.
  3. Role of sensitivity during a sports tragedy.
  4. Do you cover animal sports topics to some extent?
  5. Protecting children and underage during sports coverage.
  6. Discuss the effects of the Internet on sports
  7. Does social media and the Internet promote good sportsmanship?
  8. How can journalists cover a team they do not support yet and at the same time remain focused?
  9. Discuss the role of sports journalism in promoting sports and peace in the society
  10. Discuss the latest trends in sports journalism

Captivating Sports Journalism Research Topics

  1. How do journalists play an important role in promoting a good sporting culture?
  2. Discuss the common challenges sports journalists encounter and the ways to address these challenges effectively
  3. Discuss the most memorable moments of the 2022 FIFA World Cup
  4. Comparative analysis of the football career of Luka Modrić and Ángel Fabián Di María
  5. Return of Novak Djokovic to Australia following the high-profile visa ban
  6. Why it is important to protect the decency of sports players during media coverage?
  7. Discuss the role of sports journalism in motivating high-school students to participate in sports
  8. Analyze the career of Roger Federer
  9. Critical Analysis of the Impact of Yellow Journalism on a Sportsman
  10. Discuss the influence of Journalism in the career of a player – consider Tiger Woods as an example

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Exclusive Journalism Research Topics

When pursuing journalism, students will be instructed to write academic research papers and essays, particularly on exclusive journalism research topics.

If you need unique research topics in this section, take a look below.

  1. A journalist should have adequate knowledge of international and local news and explore its significance.
  2. How is a professional depicted by the media?
  3. Are the new journalists more focused on glamour over authentic news?
  4. Role of journalists at an international level- Impact of Covid-19.
  5. Contributions of the journalists in the Covid-19 pandemic management.
  6. What is the viewpoint of the media on demonstrating a woman as a materialistic object? What does this tell us about the stereotypical depiction of media?
  7. Can influential people regulate the limitations on media and journalists?
  8. Analyze the challenges ventured by the journalists while performing their duties.
  9. Impact of technology and scientific development on journalism.
  10. What is the impact of social media on modern journalism?
  11. Distinguish between traditional journalism and modern journalism
  12. Discuss the role played by journalists during the COVID-19 pandemic
  13. Digital media and its impact on modern journalism
  14. Analyze the strong points that make Soccer such a sustaining game
  15. Assessment of the changing ideologue of Golf over the years
  16. Discipline and fitness are the two key success factors for every player and movie star: Explain
  17. Discuss the role played by journalists in sports and entertainment
  18. Analyzing the role of woman journalists in the media. What are the drawbacks of a woman journalist?
  19. Should the women journalists move to specific places?
  20. Investigating the Influence of Big Tech on News Media

Literary Journalism Research Ideas

Literary journalism also known as narrative journalism is a type of non-fiction that blends factual reporting with narrative tactics and stylistic elements more commonly found in fiction. If you are interested in studying literary journalism, then pick any topic from the list suggested here.

  1. Have social media websites given birth to third-person journalists?
  2. Analyze the roles and responsibilities of a professional journalist.
  3. Steps by which journalists can change the perception of women as materialistic objects.
  4. The role of a journalist is to enhance the marginalized parts of society.
  5. The function of a journalist is to enable the masses to understand topic problems better.
  6. Impact of electronic journalism on modern journalism.
  7. Can social media diminish the value of print media?
  8. Influence of technology on the channels used by journalists to reach the masses.
  9. Conflict of eminent personalities with the freedom of media and journalists.
  10. Discuss the issues faced by the journalists in different topographical conditions each day.
  11. Discuss the principles of journalism
  12. Compare and contrast the different types of journalism
  13. Libertarian theory of journalism
  14. Authoritarian theory of journalism
  15. Social responsibility theory of journalism
  16. Impact of Political Leaders and Celebrities on Journalism
  17. Discuss the normative theory and practical theory of journalism
  18. Importance of communication theory on journalism
  19. Critical analysis of the treatment of the U.S. media toward its global enemies
  20. Discuss the pros and cons of Arts journalism

Engaging Journalism Research Topics

The journalism research paper that you write should not be boring to your readers. So, prepare you research paper on a topic that is engaging and interesting to your target readers. These are some journalism research questions that might captivate your readers.

  1. Role of the media in the battle against crime.
  2. Analyzing human rights, democracy, and freedom of expression.
  3. Technology or modern media- Which can be a better option?
  4. Benefits of media for kids and teenagers.
  5. Application of media and its upcoming influences.
  6. Can video games be considered a part of the media?
  7. Propaganda and media censorship.
  8. Impact of media trends on the political system of a country.
  9. Advantages of free media for society.
  10. Benefits of advertisements for a media house.
  11. What is yellow journalism?
  12. Discuss U.S. Diplomacy and Yellow Journalism, 1895–1898
  13. Difference between journalism and mass communication
  14. Discuss the importance and contribution of journalism
  15. What are the 7 principles of journalism?

Lucrative Journalism Topics for Project Report

Are you looking for a top-score-fetching journalism topic for your project report? If yes, then make use of the list presented below. In the list, we have included some lucrative project report ideas on journalism.

  1. Explain the depiction of Islam and Muslim women by women.
  2. Importance of transculturation in media translation.
  3. The positive and negative influence of racism in media.
  4. Mass media advertisement- Use of women and their sexuality.
  5. Influence of media on diplomacy.
  6. Celebrities should undergo media trials- Critically analyze the statement.
  7. Should television stop telecasting sexual content?
  8. How is same-sex marriage perceived by American media?
  9. Consequences of misinterpretation and false direction are shown by the media.
  10. Significance of media study and its benefits for students.
  11. Agenda-making tool- Role of media.
  12. The right way to modify media content is to display only appropriate content to the student.
  13. Why are Black women portrayed negatively by the media?
  14. What is the cause of the continuing popularity of radio even in the 21st century?
  15. How are the African American people depicted by the media?

Innovative Journalism Research Ideas

Journalism is a vast field from which you may generate creative research questions with more value. In case, you run short of innovative journalism research titles, explore the collection of ideas suggested below and choose any topic of your choice.

  1. Consequences of fear caused by the media reporting crime.
  2. Can journalism obtain truth without breaking its code of conduct?
  3. Is the media responsible for the worsening of the moral standard of society?
  4. Why should the media be trusted to deliver the correct news?
  5. Depiction of female journalists in the media family.
  6. Analyze the resources that can be offered by your school to poor students.
  7. Evaluate the influence of media on relationship requirements.
  8. Elaborate on the name of the sources of your school’s sports team.
  9. Explain how would high school employees be able to compensate for the loss during the pandemic.
  10. Digital learning budget and the new media.
  11. Compare and contrast the importance of Travel/Tour Journalism and Sports Journalism
  12. What is called fake promotion and how do media and film journalists play a major role in promoting such fake promotion?
  13. How do sports journalists disclose the strategies of players while playing cricket for the World Cup and the strategies of players while playing nationally?
  14. Explain how the freedom of journalists is controlled by some influential people in society
  15. Compare and contrast the mass and communication laws in the United States and South Africa.

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Simple Journalism Research Questions for Students

Writing a journalism research paper on complex topics might be daunting. So, to make your work easier, you may focus on easy journalism study ideas. Listed below are some simple journalism research topics that you may deal with.

  1. What are stylized writings and is it valid in the current internet-driven world?
  2. Image of competitors and enemies- How does the US media portray them?
  3. Explain communication psychology and media.
  4. Analyze the critical characteristics of communication.
  5. Are the media houses responsible for disseminating fictitious stories?
  6. Comparing media houses with individual bloggers- Critical evaluation.
  7. Elaborate on fandom and fan fiction in the media.
  8. Studying the uniqueness of children’s media.
  9. Evaluating the advantages of global journalism.
  10. Why is life not possible without the media?

Outstanding Journalism Research Topics for College Students

Do you need a good journalism research topic for your college assignments? If yes, then the list published below might be useful to you. Especially, for college students, here, we have included some outstanding study ideas on journalism.

  1. Analyze the significance of news outlets for reporting human interest stories. 
  2. Discuss the impact of accurate journalism on a person’s privacy. 
  3. Journalism is an important subject in high school. 
  4. The Impact of the Internet on how people perceive domestic politics. 
  5. Relevance of publishing personal bio online. 
  6. Need for transparency for the White House Press team. 
  7. Discuss the influence of media hype on social movements in the US. 
  8. How health organizations use media to spread warnings. 
  9. Role of media in preventing religious conflicts. 
  10. Discuss the significant aspects of communication in the media sector.
  11. Can money cause corruption in media?
  12. Should media be considered a promotional tool for the government?
  13. Critically analyze the most important changes in journalism in the upcoming years.
  14. The Internet does not update the audience about the current news event.
  15. Bennet news mode- Describe its advantages and disadvantages.
  16. The US media offers fair treatment to its international enemy- Evaluate the statement.
  17. Why should fake news be removed from news sites?
  18. Significance of metaphors in news headlines- Media agencies.
  19. How can a video blog take the place of new diaries?
  20. Media should censor violence and arguable topics- Review.

Excellent Journalism Research Paper Topics for University Students

In this section, we have shared a list of some excellent journalism research questions for university students. If you are a university student, then for your study, feel free to pick any topic that excites you and start examining it.

  1. Impact of mass media on product promotion and advertisement.
  2. What is media addiction and its influence on the economy?
  3. Mass media in the Middle East.
  4. Fox or BBC? A comparative analysis.
  5. Objectification of women- What impact does it create on the psychology of women?
  6. Is the media responsible for offering free educational content?
  7. Evaluate the emergence of a school’s name and its visionaries among the students.
  8. Discuss the situation of local businesses around your school area.
  9. Benefits of mass media in appropriating a situation.
  10. Elaborate on the culture and policy of your school
  11. Explain the impact of media on the psyche of laymen.
  12. Analyze the role of media in international politics.
  13. Explain the role of media at the time of elections.
  14. Write about the hidden messages that media gets.
  15. How do media use images to make the news more colorful?
  16. Does the class system sway the media also?
  17. Why should there be trust in the media?
  18. Is the Media More Inclined Towards Making TRP?
  19. Describe the status of media in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.
  20. Does the party in power regulate the media?

Unique Journalism Research Paper Ideas

Instead of working on popular research titles in journalism, focus on unique ideas. It will help you to study journalism from a different perspective and generate new information. The following are some original journalism topics to choose for research.

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of mass media for students.
  2. Enlist examples of mass media that have been obsolete in recent times.
  3. What part does print media play in the development of popular culture?
  4. What harm can watching television advertising cause to kids?
  5. Comparatively, examine the news coverage from FOX and BBC.
  6. Discuss the negative psychological effects of objectifying women.
  7. Describe the reasons for media outlets’ propensity to favor celebrity rumors above important news.
  8. Describe why social media is more important today than conventional media.
  9. Whether politicians rely on the media to stay in power should be discussed.
  10. What does it mean when people say that money has influenced the media?
  11. Do powerful and influential big media companies have too much sway? Do they need to be broken up into smaller pieces?
  12. Justify the avoidance of graphic depictions of violence or atrocity in the media
  13. Are modern journalists more interested in glitz than in providing more authentic news?
  14. What has COVID-19 revealed about the global role of journalists?
  15. Suspension of physical school- Impact on the high school students.

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Top Journalism Research Topics

Would you wish to submit a great journalism research paper? If yes, then give preference to any top ideas for your study. These are some top journalism research paper topics that you may take into account to fetch excellent grades in your class.

  1. Have journalists played any role in the COVID-19 pandemic’s management?
  2. How does portraying women as materialistic objects in the media contribute to stereotypical representations of women?
  3. Can journalism be used to help marginalized groups in society?
  4. How can journalists help the general public better understand current events?
  5. What role do electronic media outlets play in shaping modern-day journalism?
  6. Is social media obviating the need for print media?
  7. How has technology changed the mediums through which journalists communicate with their audiences?
  8. Discuss how powerful people exert influence over journalists and the media’s freedom.
  9. Discuss the major issues that journalists face in the course of their work.
  10. What impact have technological and scientific advancements had on journalism?
  11. What impact has social media had on modern journalism?
  12. Are social media platforms turning third-party users into journalists?
  13. What exactly are the responsibilities and roles of a professional journalist?
  14. How can journalists change women’s perceptions of materialism?
  15. Is journalism still relevant?

Wrapping Up

From the list recommended above, choose any topic related to the type of journalism that you are passionate about and begin composing your research paper. Remember, the journalism research paper that you compose should be well-structured and properly cited. Moreover, the paper that you craft should prove your thesis statement with valid supporting evidence. In case, you experience any difficulties in completing your journalism assignment, reach out to the subject experts in our team for assistance. Starting from research paper topic selection to writing and proofreading, we will provide the best help for an affordable price.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 19 minutes

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